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Actualités musicales

vendredi 28 mars 2014


Creativity, Circulation and Copyright : Sonic and Visual Media in the Digital Age

28, 29 mars 2014, Cambridge

Call for Papers

Creativity, Circulation and Copyright: Sonic and Visual Media in the Digital Age
Cambridge (UK)
28-29 March 2014

The Conference 'Creativity, Circulation and Copyright' aims to further interdisciplinary discussion of the relationship between the aesthetics, ethics and legal implications of new digital technologies through exploring several themes relating to the ways musical and audiovisual media are created, received and interpreted in the digital age.

We welcome paper proposals from scholars across disciplines, particularly in relation to the following themes:

  • Aesthetics and creativity in the digital age
  • Shifting modes of reception and experience of digital audiovisual media
  • Digital formats and changing copyright regimes
  • Self-fashioning and community-building through digital media

Further information on each of these topics can be found on the conference website.

Proposals must be received by 1 November 2013.

To submit a proposal for an individual paper, please send a document with your name, affiliation, paper title, and a proposal of no more than 250 words to CCC2014conference at

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 15 December 2013, and conference registration will begin on 15 January 2014. For all programme-related queries, please contact: CCC2014conference at

Approaches to Analysis and Interpretation (Call for Papers)

28-29 mars 2014; Cincinnati

The Music Theory & Musicology Society at the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music is pleased to announce its fifth biennial student conference:

Deadline: December 2, 201328-19 mars 23013

The conference will be held in conjunction with CCM's Thinking About Music lecture series and will feature keynote addresses by Kofi Agawu (Princeton University) and Thomas Forrest Kelly (Harvard University). Students are invited to submit paper proposals on a range of topics within the fields of music theory and musicology, including but not limited to:

Jazz and popular music
Music analysis
Performance studies
Works outside the canon

The program committee will give additional consideration to proposals that address the conference theme directly by discussing the analytical or interpretive approach of the research.

Paper presentations should be no more than 20 minutes in length. Each presenter will also be given 10 minutes for questions from the audience.

Proposals, abstracts, and cover letters should be submitted as three separate PDF files to <> by December 2, 2013. Applicants will be notified of the program committee's decision by January 31, 2014.

Submissions must include the following:
1. A proposal of no more than 500 words. Please include the title of the paper but omit any personal identifiers such as the author's name and institutional affiliation.

2. An abstract of 250–300 words. The abstract should be suitable for publication in the conference program. Please include the title of the paper but omit any personal identifiers such as the author's name and institutional affiliation.

3. A cover letter including the title of the paper, the author's name,institutional affiliation, phone number, e-mail address, and a list of any audiovisual equipment needed for the presentation.

Please e-mail all inquiries to Carl Burdick, ccm.mtms at

2e édition des Guitares au beffroi de Montrouge du 28 au 30 mars 2014


Guitares au beffroi

De la plus douce acoustique à la plus sauvage électrique, Guitares au Beffroi, pour sa 2e édition, affirme de nouveau son amour pour la guitare et autres cordes pincées en général.

Trois soirées, trois tendances, trois couleurs

World le vendredi avec le Ihab Radwan Trio et le Rabih Abou-Khalil Mediterranean Quintet (Liban).

Jazz le samedi avec Olivier Gotti et un véritable « all stars » puisque les guitaristes Philip Catherine et Sylvain Luc invitent Julien Alour, Thiery Eliez et André Ceccarelli (France et Belgique).

Blues et Folk le plus authentique, le dimanche, avec l'American Folk Blues Revue (Etats-Unis) avec Guy Davis, Harrison Kennedy & Leyla McCalla puis la fantastique chanteuse de soul, considérée comme la meilleure troubadour du blues texan, Ruthie Foster.

Un Salon de la Guitare ouvrira ses portes les 29 et 30 mars, en collaboration avec l'APLG (Association professionnelle des luthiers artisans en guitares). Ce salon aspire à devenir un grand rndez-vous de la lutherie de guitare aux portes de Paris. L'entrée est libre.

Autour de ce salon, des rencontres tant professionnelles qu'amateurs, dédiées à la facture instrumentale, des concerts de démonstration, une conférence et des master class accompagnent les après-midi de ces trois jours de festival.

Le Beffroi - 2 place Emile Cresp - 92120 Montrouge. Tarif : Plein tarif 25 € - Tarif réduit 20 € - Pass 3 jours 60 €. Réservations.

Les Rencontres Professionnelles Salle Cortot

salle cortot

Le but de ces Rencontres est de réunir des professionnels de la musique classique.

De 16h à 22h, les administrateurs, gestionnaires, agents artistiques, directeurs de maisons de disques, programmateurs.... pourront se retrouver à la salle Cortot.

Ateliers, débats, tables rondes, concerts, speed-meetings le tout autour d'un café ou d'un petit verre pour faciliter le débat et le travail entre les professionnels !

Entrée gratuite

Informations détaillées dans le site de la Salle Cortot

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ISSN  2269-9910

© 2014


Lundi 17 Mars, 2014 20:02

 mars 2014 

56 rue de la Fédération
F - 93100 Montreuil
06 06 61 73 41

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