bandeau actu



lundi 5 octobre 2015

The Théâtre musical léger un Europe : from the operatta to the music-hall

International conference

5-7 octobre 2015, Lucca

Lucca, Complesso Monumentale di San Micheletto

 The Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini of Lucca and the Palazzetto Bru Zane of Venice is pleased to invite submissions of proposals for the symposium «The théâtre musical léger in Europe: From the Operetta to the Music-hall», to be held in Lucca, Complesso Monumentale di San Micheletto, from Monday 5 until Wednesday 7 October 2015.

During the second half of the nineteenth century, the ‘official' European performance venues were flanked by cabarets, music-halls and private spaces that welcomed new musical and theatrical genres. In Europe often miscellaneous venues hosted performances normally intended for the middle class.

In this scenario,  the ‘operetta'  had a  leading role.  The term  usually indicates different kinds of music theatre, which alternate singing and spoken language, such as opéra-bouffe, comédie musicale, music-hallperformances (Madame Thérésa, Yvette Guilbert and Aristide Bruant in particular), revues (which then developed into the Italian rivista) and so forth, sometimes including ill-defined genres. Starting from the Second Empire, ‘operetta', through a series of changes, was to arrive at the Broadway musical, often incorrectly called ‘American operetta'.

All the aforementioned varieties of entertainment have been explored in a few isolated studies, and have not received comprehensive scholarly exploration.

The programme committee encourages submissions within the following areas, although other topics are welcome:

  1. The genres of the théâtre musical léger: operetta, revue, caf'conc', music-hall, chanson réaliste and so forth.
  2. Musical performing venues (production system, legislation, censorship, etc.)
  3. Repertoire
  4. The composers of the théâtre musical léger (Hervé, Offenbach, Gilbert & Sullivan, Lecocq, R. Hahn, Varney, Audran, Planquette, Lehár, Scotto, Sidney Jones, Leoncavallo, Lombardo-Ranzato and so forth)
  5. Staging and mise-en-scène
  6. Exoticism as scenic and sociological component
  7. Entertainment system in the European countries



  • Olivier Bara (Université Lyon2) ; Étienne Jardin (Palazzetto Bru Zane, Venice) ; Lorenzo Frassà (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini) ; Roberto Illiano (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini) ; Fulvia Morabito (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini) ; Michela Niccolai, Conference director (Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris – ART) 

KEYNOTE  SPEAKERS : Susan Rutherford (University of Manchester) ; Olivier Bara (Université Lyon2)

The official languages of the conference are English, French and Italian. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume.
Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and one page of biography. All proposals should be submitted by email no later than Sunday 10 May 2015 to With your proposal please include your name, contact details (postal address, e-mail and telephone number) and (if applicable) your affiliation.

The committee will make its final decision on the abstracts by the end of May 2015, and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter. Further information about the programme, registration, travel and accommodation will be announced after that date.

For any additional information, please contact:

Dr. Roberto Illiano

7e stage de danses médiévales de Sulniac

31 octobre et 1er novembre 2015.

Danses médiévales

L'Association Artémusie propose un Week-End de danses médiévales. Les ateliers seront animés par Christophe Deslignes et Eva Fogelgesang.

Plaisir de danser et chanter ensemble les danses du Moyen-Age. Découvrir ou redécouvrir les reconstitutions de danses populaires, religieuses et courtoises du XIe au XVe siècle. Montrer que les danses médiévales peuvent être dansées aujourd'hui de façon vivante, créative et ludique au cours d'un bal. Groupes de niveau et atelier de perfectionnement à la demande.

Chansons à danser de l'époque des troubadours et trouvères. Tours de jongleurs, jeux, moresques. Carmina Burana, Llibre Vermell de Montserrat, Guillaume de Machault, Cantigas de Santa Maria, manuscrit de Londres, manuscrit du Roy, codex Faenza, basses-danses françaises et italiennes.

Carole, tresque, virelai, rondeau, ballade, ballo, saltarello, ballata, basse-danse, estampie.

Voir le dépliant complet

Conference: Sonic Contestations of Nuclear Power

22-23 octobre Princeton

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Conference Website:

Over the last fifteen years, the growth of musicological scholarship on the Cold War, sound studies, and ethnomusicological accounts of violence and protest have formed a robust intellectual platform from which sound-based scholarship on the nuclear phenomenon can dialogue with extant literature from the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Furthermore, the expansion of nuclear power and weapons—not only during the Cold War, but also recently in Asia, the Middle East, and other regions— has inspired musicians to write pieces protesting these developments or engage in debate. In this conference, we plan to bring together critical approaches to the pervasive sonorousness of the nuclear phenomenon—from historical reconstructions of the soundscapes of United States' uranium mines to present-day antinuclear protests worldwide in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi accident. We are including work that covers different historical moments, geographical regions, and conceptions of sound, music, media, and performance. We also include the voices of practicing musicians. Part of a project toward a collection of essays, the conference aims to extend existing conversations in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences on the networks of power surrounding the nuclear debate.

For more information about this conference, please contact Jessica Schwartz (schwartz at humnet dot ucla dot edu) or Noriko Manabe (nmanabe at princeton dot edu).

The program can be found here:

Non-speakers planning to attend the conference are requested to register in advance here.

This conference has been made possible by a generous grant from the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University.

Jessica Schwartz

Noriko Manabe
Princeton University

Opéra de Lorraine : quand la voix se donne à voir

Opéra de Lorraine

21 novembre 2015

Des'lices d'Opéra vous convie à la découverte de la voix et de son fonctionnement. Aux manettes de son laryngoscope, le docteur Elisabeth Péri-Fontaa, phoniatre, vous fera voyager en direct dans les secrets de la voix et vous contera, vidéos à l'appui, l'histoire des cordes vocales. Des travaux pratiques
seront également proposés.

Les effets de voix et autres animations seront assurés par deux cobayes volontaires, Philippe Valério et Ludovic Delpierre. Mô Frumholz animera les discussions.

Des'lices d'Opéra,
56 rue de la Fédération
F - 93100 Montreuil
06 06 61 73 41

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ISSN  2269-9910

© 2014

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