avril 2012, Notre Dame US : Indiana)
The Philosophy of Performance :
Art in Modern Society
Call for Abstracts
University of Notre Dame
Deadline for Abstract Submissions
March 1, 2012
Keynote Speakers
Musicology: Richard Taruskin, University of California, Berkeley
Philosophy: Peter Kivy, Rutgers University
Performance: Mark Beudert, University of Notre Dame
Within living memory, classical music was viewed as a vital source of political identity, marked by informed performances embodying a living style. These performances were presented to audiences that (in the words of the film philosopher Christian Metz) shared "the same ideology" as composers and performers, thus "filling the [auditoriums]; that is how the machine keeps turning." This "machine" was recognized as being of measurable economic benefit for the community. Today it is viewed as a luxury to be discarded in periods of economic adversity, depriving the community of the richness art brings to our daily spiritual communal lives.
Over the past six years, the position of performance of opera (the most inclusive and expensive of the arts) has flourished on the Notre Dame campus. This is due to the animating philosophy behind Opera Notre Dame: the study of performance is an ideal subject for a liberal arts campus, the microcosm of society. The study at Notre Dame not only focuses on the conservatory-level "how" of performance. It engages as well the "what" and the "why" of performance, the definition of the act and the examination of its purpose in our common life.
This sort of study of performance of classical music is rare. To foster this study, this conference will bring an international group of distinguished scholars and practitioners in musicology, philosophy, and performance to a campus full of students already engaged in comprehensive study. They will assemble for a groundbreaking gathering devoted to the study of art in our culture through an academic investigation of issues surrounding the artistic, economic, political, and spiritual act of performance.
Submission Guidelines
Abstract submission is open to any scholar interested in any aspect of The Philosophy of Performance from undergraduate students enrolled at an accredited institution of higher education to senior tenured professors. We welcome papers from all disciplines: Anthropology, Literary Studies, Film Studies, Theater Studies, Sociology, Theology, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, History, etc, as well as Musicology and Philosophy. For an abstract to be considered for acceptance, it must be no more than 4000 characters in length and it must be submitted no later than 15 March 2012 either to
mbeudert at nd.edu
27 avril 2012
Hommage à Olivier Mesiaen à
l'église de la Trinité
pour le 20e
anniversiare de sa disparition
Il y a 20 ans, le 27 avril 1992, Olivier Messiaen nous quittait. Pour honorer la mémoire de Messiaen, titulaire durant plus de 60 ans du Grand Orgue, l'église de la Trinité, lieu d'inspiration de Messiaen, prévoit un hommage en plusieurs manifestations les 27-28-29 avril 2012 sur le thème « Messiaen et l'Éternité ».
Le lancement de « l'Association Grand Orgue Trinité Messiaen », l'ouverture d'un « Espace Messiaen », lieu de rencontre, d'exposition permanente et dès septembre 2012, un rendez-vous mensuel autour du grand orgue, avec la contribution d'interprètes de marque sera organisé.
Vendredi 27 avril 2012 une messe anniversaire sera présidée par Mgr Jérôme Beau, évêque auxiliaire de Paris, à 19 heures.
À 20h, aura leur un concert d'orgue par les titulaires du Grand Orgue : Loïc Mallié, Jean-François Hatton, Thomas Lacôte. Après le concert, vers 21h00, rencontre, exposition d'oeuvres artistiques et cocktail sont prévus.
Le samedi 28 avril 2012, deux concerts des élèves du Conservatoire de la ville de Paris auront lieu à 14 et 16 heures. À 19 heures, table ronde concert « Messiaen et l'éternité », avec le Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps par les élèves du CRR. Thomas Lacôte, modérateur ; Gilbert Amy et Michael Lévinas, compositeurs ; Jean-Dominique Abrell, O.P., organiste et claveciniste.
Dimanche 29 avril 2012 , Concert d'orgue à 14 heures, avec Olivier Latry, titulaire du Grand Orgue de Notre-Dame de Paris.
Entrée libre
27 avril 2012
Music : Parts and Labor
The First Annual Graduate Student Conference, Department of Music, New York University, April 27th - 28th, 2012,
NYU Silver Center, Department of Music
Music : Parts and Labor is an integrative, interdisciplinary graduate student conference that allows professors (faculty from both NYU and other universities in the New York area) and graduate students to collaboratively explore the issues of music, its parts and labor, by working closely in seminars, panels, and a roundtable.
The constitution of a musical work is a topic of much historical debate in musicological, philosophical, and legal discourses. Music: Parts and Labor aims to interrogate what is at stake in challengingor maintaining certain conceptualizations of the musical work by dismantling it, examining the parts (e.g. intellectual, material) and labor (e.g. intellectual, material) constitutive of its being. We ask how thinking through the labor of the musical work itself, as a part of larger corporeal, cultural, and economic systems provides unique insight into these often intertwined networks and, in turn, music's efficacy and functionality.
We are pleased to welcome Elisabeth LeGuin (UCLA) as the keynote speaker, as well as Aaron Fox (Columbia), Taoufik Ben-Amor(Columbia), José Esteban Muñoz (NYU), Anne Stone (CUNY), and Maureen Mahon (NYU) on a faculty roundtable, and Suzanne G. Cusick (NYU) and J. Martin Daughtry (NYU) as breakfast seminar leaders.
Refreshments, workshops, and special panels will also be featured. Please join us!
For more information and a schedule, please visit
https://bit.ly/mpl-nyu, or contact the Organizing Committee Chair, Jessica Schwartz: jessica.a.schwartz at gmail.com .
All the best,
The Music: Parts and Labor Organizing Committee