Actualités musicalesjeudi 31 octobre 2013
Audio technologies for Music and Media International Conference
Call for Papers 31 October-1 November 2013, Department of Communication and Design, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Audio Technologies for Music and Media is an international interdisciplinary conference that focuses on the various aspects of audio, audiovisual and music technologies for music and media, and, also, on the relationship between sound, music and image in both 'traditional' and 'new' media. ATMM 2012 was hosted by the Department of Communication and Design on 1-2 November 2012 at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. ATMM 2012's keynote speech was delivered by longtime music industry veteran Bobby Owsinski. Apart from opening remarks (by Bilkent University Rector Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atalar and Ufuk Önen & Teoman Pasinlioğlu) and keynote speech by Bobby Owsinski, 24 presentations, three musical performances and a panel about music technology education took place. First of its kind in Turkey in the fields of audio technologies for music and media, ATMM 2012 brought together professionals, academics, practitioners and students, not only from various cities in Turkey but also from other countries as well. ATMM 2012 was sponsored by Bilkent Üniversitesi, US Embassy Ankara, SAE Institute, Sinerji-Vass, Müziktek, Sound magazine and Çağdaş Sanat Merkezi (Ankara) ATMM 2013 will again be hosted by the Department of Communication and Design, and will take place on 31 October and 1 November 2013 at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Proposals Topics Applications in Audio Theoretical Approaches Audio Processing Education Abstract and Paper Submission All proposals should be submitted by e-mail to (deadline is 17 June 2013). Acceptances will be e-mailed on 1 July 2013. Full papers are due 12 August 2013. Authors will be provided with format guidelines. Publication Schedule Contact +90-312-290-1749 Britain and the British in World Culture
31 octobre-1er novembre 2013, Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie). Call for Papers, date limite 15 juin 2013. Celebrating Benjamin Britten's Centenary Conference venue (institution and city) - Rimsky-Korsakov St.Petersburg State Conservatoire, St Petersburg, Russia. The two-day international conference "Britain and the British in 20th Century Culture" will take place in St. Petersburg at the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire from 31st October to 1st November 2013. The conference is designed as a dialogue between musicology, art history and cultural history. A central theme will be how Britain and her people have been portrayed over the last century in various trends, spiritual movements and artistic styles, covering all kinds of arts, including music, literature, theatre, architecture, sculpture and cinematography. The symbolism of the homonyms – Britten and Britain – allows us to put the British Britten at the heart of the conference. Intercultural and intertextual connections will be made by reflecting the multifaceted phenomenon of "Britishness" in British culture. The Conference forms part of the Thirteenth International Festival"The International Conservatory Week Festival", opening with a performance of one of Benjamin Britten's masterpieces, "Spring Symphony", on the 1st of November. The Conference Organisers: The Center for New Technology in the Arts"Art-parkING", Liudmila Kovnatskaya, Mikhail Gantvarg, Lidia Volchek, Lidia Ader, Nataly Kolesova. Proposals for academic papers and posters are invited (requirements – A3 format, should be sent by October 1st). The working languages of the conference will be Russian and English. The time-limit for papers is 20 minutes plus a discussion time of 10 minutes. Please submit abstracts for papers of no less than 200 and no more than 300 words, together with a short CV of 100 words; both should be sent by e-mail to Lidia Ader (lidia.ader at The deadline for abstracts is 15 June 2013. Selected conference papers and materials will be published in the journal "Opera Musicologica". For some participants organizers will be able to provide a free accommodation. Jeanne Moreau soutient les Pussy Riott
Pour marquer son soutien aux deux jeunes femmes du groupe Pussy Riot emprisonnées en Russie, Jeanne Moreau a choisi de lire, sur France Culture et Mediapart, la « Lettre du camp 14 de Mordovie » écrite par Nadejda Tolokonnikova, aujourd'hui mise au secret par le régime russe.
Philojazz : Petites ritournelles entre souffle et pensée
Parent Jean-Marie, Philojazz : Petites ritournelles entre souffle et pensée. L'Harmattan, Paris 2012 [223 p. ; ISBN 978-2-336-00635-2 ; 23,00 €]
Par Alain Lambert ——« Philojazz », un titre intrigant quand on est soi même passionné par ces deux univers, a priori bien différents. Mais c'est la mode cette idée de faire de la philo à partir de tout sujet branché, le cinéma, les séries télé, le rock... Pourquoi pas le jazz ? Alors on lit, parfois intéressé, parfois agacé, cette étrange compilation de standards plus ou moins connus, un par chapitre, plus d'une vingtaine en tout, brossés en une page. Cette description musicale se prolonge, par association d'idées ou de mots, vers un des grands problèmes de l'histoire de la philosophie, traité lui en quelques pages, parfois quelques paragraphes, en convoquant les grands philosophes, mais aussi des peintres, poètes ou cinéastes... Et le chapitre se referme en revenant au musicien choisi, sa biographie, son aura, ou encore l'instrument soliste, l'harmonica, le saxophone, la contrebasse ou le vibraphone ...
Petites annonces musicales
Revue de presse musicale(France Inter) Flûtiste, concertiste soliste & super soliste de l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France (La Presse, Québec) Une Jupiter imparfaite mais stimulante (Le Droit, Québec) Alexander Shelley succédera à Pinchas Zukerman en 2015 (La Voix de la Russie) Orchestre national du Capitole de Toulouse en tournée à Moscou (AFP/TV5 Monde) Retraité de la scène, Eddy Mitchell continue à s'amuser en studio (AFP/Voila) Ballet national de Vienne: le Français Manuel Legris prolongé (AFP/Le Parisien) En salles, deux documentaires sur Brassens et Dédé, joueur de bombarde (Culturebox) |