On confond parfois John Newton (Philomath), mathématicien et recteur à Ross, avec John Newton, né en 1742, minorite à Gloucester, ayant également écrit sur la musique
The English academy, or, A brief introduction to the seven liberal arts grammar, arithmetick, geometrie, musick, astronomie, rhetorick & logic : to which is added the necessary arts and mysteries of navigation, dyaling, surveying, mensuration, gauging & fortification, practically laid down in all their material points and particulars, highly approved to be known by the ingenious, and as such are desirous to profit, or render themselves accomplished : chiefly intended for the instruction of young scholars, who are acquainted with no other than their native language, but may also be very useful to other persons that have made some progress in the studies of the said arts , by John Newton
An Introduction to the art of Rhetorick [...]. London 1671
A Help to Calculation, or two Tables; the one of decimal numbers, and the other of their logarithmes, for the ready conversion of sexagenary tables into decimal, and the contrary. And for the finding of the part proportional in all sexagenary tables. As also tables of declination, right and oblique ascensions, ascensional difference, and other tables of the Primum Mobile, for the speedy and exact erecting of a figure [...]. London 1657
An Introduction to the art of Logick. London 1671
Astronomia Britannica, exhibiting the doctrine of the sphere, and theory of the planets decimally by trigonometry, and by tables. Fitted for the meridian of London, according to the Copernican systeme as it is illustrated by Bullialdus, and the easie way of calculation, lately published by Doctor Ward. London 1657
Cosmographia, or a view of the terrestrial and coelestial globes in a brief explanation of the principles of [...] geometry applied to surveying and gauging of cask. The doctrine of the Primum Mobile with an account of the Juilan and Gregorian Calendars. London 1679
Institutio Mathematica. Or a mathematical institution. Shewing the construction and use of the naturall and artificiall sines, tangents, and secants, in decimal numbers, and also of the table of logarithms, in the general solution of any triangle. London, R. & W. Leybourn for George Hurlock, William Fisher 1671
Sixteenpence in the Pound, or a table shewing the present worth of one pound annuity for any time under 100 years, by yeares, halves and quarters: computed for the just proportioning of the fines at that rate, according to the present worth of every man's respective interest in houses built upon new foundations since the 25th of March 1620. London 1658
Tabulae mathematicae: or, Tables of the naturall sines, tangents and secants, and the logarithms of the sines and tangents to every degree and hundredth part of a degree in the quadrant. London, R. & W. Leybourn 1654
The Art of Practical Gauging: or, Plain and easie directions for the gauging of casks and brewers tuns. London, Dixy Page 1669
The Compleat Arithmetician: or, the Whole art of arithmetick, vulgar and decimal [...] J. N. Philomath (John Newton). London, John Taylor and Christopher Browne 1691
The Scale of Interest; or the use of decimal fractions. London 1668
Trigonometria Britanica; or the doctrine of triangles, in two books. The one composed, the other translated from the Latine copie written by H. Gellibrand [...] A Table of Logarithms [...] thereto annexed. R. & W. Leybourn, London 1658
School pastime for young children: or The rudiments of grammar, in an easie and delightful method, for teaching of children to read English distinctly, and write it truly. London, Robert Walton 1669.
Jean-Marc Warszawski
Novembre 1995-25 mars 2008
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