Brown John
Prêtre, écrivain et musicien amateur. Il étudie à l'Université de Cambridge. Il est vicaire à Newcastle, chapelain du roi d'Angleterre.
En 1757, il publie à Londres, An estimati of the Manners and Principles of the Times, en 1763, The Cure of Saul (texte d'un oratorio), en 1764, The History of the Rise and progress of Poetry, through its Several Species.
Écrits relatifs à la musique
A dissertation on the rise, union, and power, the progressions,
separations and corruptions of poetry and music. To which is prefixed, the cure of Saul, a sacred ode. Written by Dr. Brown (110 exemplaires conservés).
- London, L. Davis and C. Reymers 1763 (35 exemplaires conservés)
- Bublin, G. Faulkner 1763 (4 exemplaires conservés)
- London, for J. Murray 1773 (4 exemplaires conservés)
- B : Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale
- C : London (Ontario), University of Western Ontario
- CH : Basel, Universitätsbibliothek - Luzern, Zentralbibliothek
- D: Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek - Halle/Saale, Händel-Haus
- F : Paris, Bibliothèque de France
- GB: Cambridge, St. John’s College - Cambridge, University Library - Glasgow, Euing Musical library - Manchester, Public Library - Oxford, Bodleian Library - Tenbury, St. Michael’s College
- I : Macerata, Biblioteca comunale
- J : Tokyo, Musashino Academia Musicae
- PL : Kraków, Bibl. Czartoryskich
- S : Stockholm, Musikhistoriska museet
- US: Ann Arbor, Mich., William L. Clements Library University of Michigan - US: Austin, Tex., The University of Texas - Evanston, Ill., Northwestern Univ. - Boston, Mass. Harvard Musical Association Library - Boston, Mass., Rare Book Departement, Boston Public Library - Boston, Mass., New England Conservatory of Music Library - Binghampton, Pa., Archives of the Moravian Church - Chicago, Ill. Newberry library - Chicago, Ill., University of Chicago Library - Cambridge, Mass., Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library - Ithaca, N.Y., Music Library, Cornell Univ. - Iowa City, Ia., Music Library, State University of Iowa - New York, N. Y., Music Division, New York Public Library Rochester, N.Y., Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music - Richmond, Va., Virginia State Library - San Marino, Calif., Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery - University Park, Penn., The Pensylvania State University Library - Washington, D.C., Music Division, Library of Congress
- Den Haag; Paris, Merlin 1765, version française abrégée par M. A. Eidous (1 exemplaire conservé : B : Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale)
- Leipzig, Weidmanns Erben und Reich 1769 (35 exemplaires conservés) version allemande par
Johann Joachim Eschenburg
- A. : Wien, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde - Wien, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut - Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
- B : Bruxelles, Bibliothèque du conservatoire royal de musique - Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale
- CH : Genève, Bibliothèque publique et universitaire - Luzern, Zentralbibliothek - Solothurn, Zen-tralbibliothek - Zürich, Zentralbibliothek (und Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Musikgesellschaft)
- CS : Praha, Hudební odd¬êlení Universitní kniovny (dpartement de la musique de la bibliothèque de l’universit)
- D: Berlin, Staatsbibliothek PrK. Musikabteilung (ehem. In Marburg und Tübingen) - Berlin, Musikwissenschaf-tliches Institut der freien Univ. - Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Eutin, Kreisbibliothek - Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Musikabteilung - Hannover, Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek - Köln, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Univ. - Köln, Universität-und Stadtbibliothek - Leipzig, Musikbibliothek - München, Musiksammlung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek - München, Bibliothek des Theatermuseums (Clara-Ziegler-Stiftung) - Regensburg, Proskesche Musikbibliothek - Tübingen, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Univ.
- F : Paris, Bibliothèque de France - Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et universitaire
- H : Pannonhalmi, Föapátzág Könyvtára (Archiabbaye de Pannonhalma)
- US: Boston, Mass., New England Conservatory of Music Library - Chicago, Ill., University of Chicago Library - New York, N. Y., Music Divi-sion, New York Public Library - Washington, D.C., Music Division, Library of Congress
- Firenze, Bonducciano 1772 (31 exemplaires conservés), version italienne
- A. : Wien, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde - Wien, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut
- B : Bruxelles, Biblio-thèque Royale - Liège, Bibliothèque du conservatoire
- BR : Rio de Janeiro, Biblioteca Nacional
- D: München, Musiksammlung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek
- E : Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional - Barcelona, Bibl. Central de Cataluña
- F : Paris, Bibliothèque de France - Paris, bibliothèque de l’Institut - Paris, Biblio-thèque de France
- I : Bologna, Bibl. dell Archiginnasio - Bologna, Biblioteca del Conservatorio (Liceo Musicale ; oggi civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale) - Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica - Firenze, Biblioteca del Conservatorio - Genova, Bibl. del Liceo Musicale Paganini - Montecassino, biblioteca dell’Abbazia - Mode-na, Biblioteca Estense - Napoli, Biblioteca del Conservatorio - Ostiglia (Mantova), Fondazione Greggiati - Parma, Biblioteca del Conservatorio - Roma, Biblioteca dell’Istituto di archeologia - Roma, Biblioteca S. Cecilia (Conservatorio) - Roma, Biblioteca Vaticana - Venezia, Biblioteca nazionale Marciana - Vicenza, Biblioteca comunale Bertoliana
- US: Chicago, Ill. Newberry library - Charlottesville, Va., Alderman Library - Chapel Hill, N.C., Music Library - Latrobe, Pa., St. Vincent College library - Washington, D.C., Music Division, Library of Congress
- A dissertation. New York, Garland 1971
- Fac-simil numris
Remarks on some observations on Dr. Brown dissertarion on poetry and
musick. In a letter to the author of the observations
- London, L. Davis & C. Reymers 1764 (4 exemplaires conservés).
- GB : London, British Museum - Oxford, Bodleian Library
- US: New York, N. Y., Music Division, New York Public Library -
- Fac-similé numrisé
Autres crits
Barbarossa. A tragedy. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. 1756.
Athelstan, a tragedy as it is acted... in Drury Lane. 1756.
An estimate of the manners and principles of the times. By Dr. Brown, Author of the Essays on Lord Shaftsbury's Characteristics, &c. 1758.
An additional dialogue of the dead, between Pericles and Aristides Being a sequel to the dialogue between Pericles and Cosmo. 1760.
Essays on the characteristics. By John Brown, D.D. vicar of Newcastle. 1764.
Sermons on various subjects. By John Brown, D.D. vicar of Newcastle. 1764.
Thoughts on civil liberty, on licentiousness, and faction. 1765. (transcription project)
On the female character and education : a sermon, preached on Thursday the 16th of May, 1765, at the anniversary meeting of the guardians of the asylum for deserted female orphans. By John Brown, D.D. vicar of Newcastle, and chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty.
ALLEN WARREN DWIGHT (1885-), Philosophies of Music History. New York, Boston, Americam Book Company 1939; New York, Dover Publications v. 1962
EDDY DONALD D., A Bibliography of John Brown. New York, Bibliographical Society of America 1971
FEATHERSTONHAUGH THOMAS, A bibliography of John Brown. Baltimore, The Frieden-wald Company 1897 [3 v.]
KIPPIS ANDREW (éd.), Biographia Britannica. London, W. and A. Straham 1778-1795 [6 v.].
Jean-Marc Warszawski
Dictionnaire des crits relatifs à la musique
Novembre 1995-18 mars 2019.
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