Prêtre anglais. Il étudie à la Blundell's School, et au Balliol College d'Oxford, où il devient par la suite enseignant.
Vers 1679, il est recteur à Tiverton. Il est chapelain de to Lord Digby, puis, après la restauration, de Lord de la Warr.
Il est également chapelain de Charles II.
Voir: Dodwell Henry (1641-1711)
The lawfulness and use of organs in the Christian church. Asserted in a sermon preach'd at Tiverton in the country of Devon upon the 13th of september, 1696. On occasion of an organ's being erected in that parish-church. By John Newte
A Letter to a Friend in the Country, concerning the use of instrumental musick in the worship of God: in answer to Mr. Newte's sermon preach'd at Tiverton, etc. London, 1698.
A Discourse [on Prov. iii. 9] shewing the duty of honouring the Lord with our substance, together with the impiety of tithe-stealing. W. Rogers, London 1711.
The Lawfulness and Use of Organs in the Christian Church. Asserted in a sermon [on Ps. cl. 4] preached at Tiverton ... on occasion of an organ's being erected, etc. London, 1701.
A treatise concerning the lawfulness of instrumental music in holy offices. To which is prefixed a preface in Vindication of Mr. Newte's Sermon, concerning the lawfulness and use of Organs, etc. Henry DODWELL, the Elder. London, 1700.
Roger Chamberline, Francis Plympton, Gent. appellants. John Newte, clerk. Respondent. The respondents case, London 1707
A discourse shewing the duty of honouring the Lord with our substance, together with the Impiety of Tithe Stealing. By John Newte, M. A. Rector of Tiverton in Devon, and one of the Proctors in Convocation for the Diocess of Exeter. London 1711.
Jean-Marc Warszawski
Novembre 1995-janvier 2017.
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