Sous diacre à Salisbury
A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of Sarum, novem. 22. 1700. Before a society of lovers of musick. By Thomas Naish
A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of Sarum, november the 30th, 1726. Being the anniversary day appointed for the meeting of the Society of lovers of musick, by Thomas Naish
A sermon GB : Durham, Cathedral Library - US : Los Angeles, Calif., William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Univer-sity of California - Washington, D.C., Music Division, Library of Congresspreached at the cathedral church of Sarum, november the 30th, 1727. Being the anniversary day appointed for the meeting of the Society of lovers of musick. By Thomas Naish
SLATTER DOREEN (éd.), The diary of Thomas Naish. Devizes, Wiltshire Archeological and Natural History Society, Record Branch (20) 1965 [ix-101 p., 25 cm].
Jean-Marc Warszawski
Dictionnaire des écrits relatifs à la musique
Novembre 1995-12 novembre 2018
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