Né le 21 juin 1639 à Dorchester, mort le 23 août 1723 à Boston.
Fils de pasteur. En 1651, il entre à l'Université d'Harvard, il est bachelier en 1656. Il prononce son premier sermon en 1657.
Il embarque pour l'angleterre. De 1657 à 1659, il est au collège de la Trinité à Dublin.
En 1659, il est pasteur dans le devon. Il sera le chapelain de la garnison de Guernesey.
En 1661, il embarque pour Boston suite à la politique anti-puritaine des Stuart.
En 1662, il épouse la fille de John Cotton.
La couronne d'angleterre veut imposer son autorité dans les colonies américaines et produit « l'Exclusion Act » rétablissant l'exclusivité de l'Église anglicane.
En 1664, il est pasteur de la Seconde église de Boston.
La politique de Londres, visant à supprimer les privilèges des colonies (chartes) inquiète les puritains qui envisagent la fin de la « Plantation du Seigneur ».
En 1674, The Day of Trouble Is Near (sermon) traduit ces craintes.
En 1675, suit à l'insurrection indienne (guerre du roi Philipp), la colonie puritaine est décimée. En 1679, Mather convoque un synode qui dresse la liste précise des « transgressions » (apostasies) qui ont provoqué la colère divine (danse, musique, port de perruque).
En 1683, il rédige sa Kometographia (interprétation terrifiante passage de la comète de Haley en 1682).
En 1684, abolition de la charte de la Nouvelle-Angleterre (instauration du Dominion).
En 1688, Mather embarque secrètement pour l'Angleterre pour plaider la cause des puritains.
En 689, suite à la rumeur du débarquement de Guillaume d'Orange à Douvres, Boston se soulève et emprisonne le gouverneur. Mather Cotton (le fils) rédige les doléances (Declaration of Gentlemen and Marchants).
Entre temps, Increase Mather est reçu par Jacques II bientôt renversé par Guillaume d'Orange.
En 1691, une nouvelle charte est établie et en 1692, Mather rentre en Nouvelle-Angleterre auréolé d'un grand prestige.
Son fils, Cotton Mather, joua un rôle important dans l'affaire des « Sorcières de Sallem », notamment avec la publication de The Wonders of the invisible World en 1693.
A discourse concerning faith and fervency in prayer; especially respecting the glorious visible kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ over all the earth. Together with a vindication of the only true scriptural mode of standing in singing the praises of God. To which is added, an ample confirmation of the foregoing discourse by sundry suitable quotations.
A brief history of the war with the Indians in Nevv-England. London, Printed for R. Chiswell 1676
A brief relation of the state of New England, from the beginning of that plantation to the present year. 1689
A call from Heaven to the present and succeeding generations, or, A discourse wherein is shewed I. that children of godly parents are under special advantages and encouragements to seek the Lord, II. the exceeding danger of apostasie especially as to those that are the children and posterity of such as have been eminent for God in their generation, III. that young men ought to remember God their Creator. Boston, R. P. for I. Brunning 1685
A call to the tempted: a sermon on the horrid crime of self-murder, preached on a remarkable occasion [...] by the memorable Dr. Increase Mather; and now published from his notes, for a charitable stop to suicides. Boston, B. Green, sold by Samuel Gerrish, March 12th 1723
A defence of the answer and arguments of the synod met at Boston in the year 1662 concerning the subject of baptism and consociation of churches: against the reply made thereto by the Reverend Mr. John Davenport, pastor of the church at New-Haven in his treatise entituled Another essay for investigation of the truth, &c. together with an answer to the apologetical preface set before that essay [...] by some of the elders who were members of the synod above-mentioned. Cambridge, S. Green and M. Johnson, for Hezekiah Usher of Boston 1664
A discourse concerning the grace of courage, wherein the nature, beneficialness, and necessity of that vertue for all Christians is described: delivered in a sermon preached at Boston in New-England, June 5th, 1710. Boston, B. Green for Samuel Phillips 1710
A discourse concerning the maintenance due to those that preach the gospel. Boston N. E. B. Green 1706; s.l. 1709
A discourse concerning the subject of baptisme: wherein the present controversies that are agitated in the New English churches are from Scripture and reason modestly enquired into. Cambridge, Samuel Green 1675
A discourse proving that the Christian religion is the only true religion, wherein the necessity of divine revelation is evinced in several sermons. Boston, for & sold by the booksellers 1702
A disquisition concerning ecclesiastical councils: proving that not only pastors, but brethren delegated by the churches, have equally a right to a decisive vote in such assemblies: to which is added proposals concerning consociation of churches agreed upon by a synod which convened at Boston, in New-England: with a preface, containing a further vindication of the Congregational discipline [...] Boston, N. Boone 1716; 1870
A disquisition concerning the state of the souls of men (especially of good men) when separated from their bodies: in which some late very remarkable providences relating to apparitions, are considered. Boston, B. Green for Benj. Eliot and Nich. Boone 1707
A dissertation, wherein the strange doctrine lately published in a sermon. Boston, B. Green 1708
A further account of the tryals of the New-England witches. London 1693
A narrative of the miseries of New-England by reason of an arbitrary government erected there. London 1688
A plain discourse, shewing who shall, & who shall not, enter into the kingdom of heaven, and how far men may go and yet fall short of heaven, after their seeming to be converted and religious. Boston, B. Green for Benji. Eliot, at his shop in King street. 1713
A relation of the troubles which have hapned in New-England, by reason of the Indians there. From the year 1614. to the year 1673. Wherein the frequent conspiracyes of the Indians to cutt off the English. and the wonderfull providence of God, in disappointing their devices, is declared. Together with An historical discourse concerning the prevalency of prayer: shewing that New Englands late deliverance from the rage of the heathen is an eminent answer of prayer. By Increase Mather. Boston, Printed and sold by John Foster 1677; New York, Arno Press 1972
A seasonable testimony to good order in the churches of the faithful. Particularly declaring the usefulness & necessity of councils in order to preserving peace and truth in the churches. Boston, N. E., Green for D. Henchman 1720
A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston in New-England the 18th of the I. moneth 1674: when two men were executed who had murthered their master, wherein is shewed that excess in wickedness doth bring untimely death. Boston, by R. P. for J. Brunning in Boston 1685
A sermon wherein is shewed that the Church of God is sometimes a subject of great persecution: preached on a publick fast at Boston in New England, occasioned by the tidings of a great perse-cution raised against the Protestants in France. Boston, for Samuel Sewall 1682
A vindication of Nevv-England, from the vile aspersions cast upon that country by a late address of a faction there, who denominate themselves of the Church of England in Boston. s.l. 1690 [attribué par défaut]
An arrow against profane and promiscuous dancing, drawn out of the quiver of the Scriptures. By the ministers of Christ at Boston in New-England. Boston, S. Green 1684
An earnest exhortation to the inhabitants of New-England. Boston John Foster 1676
An essay ** for the ** recording ** of ** illustrious providences. Boston in New-England 1684
An essay for the recording of illustrious providences. Delmar (NY), Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints 1977; New York, Garland Pub. 1977
Angelographia or, A discourse concerning the nature and power of the holy angels. Boston, B. Green & J. Allen for S., Philips 1696
Awakening soul-saving truths: plainly delivered, in several sermons: in which is shewed, I. That many are called, who are not effectually called. II. That men may be of the visible church, and yet not be of the Lord's chosen. III. That the chosen of God are comparatively but few. Boston, S. Kneeland, for B. Gray, and J. Edwards 1720
Burnings bewailed. Boston, Timothy Green 1711
Cases of conscience concerning evil spirits personating men, witchcrafts, infallible proofs of guilt in such as are accused with that crime; all considered according to the Scriptures, history, experience, and the judgment of many learned men. Boston, Benjamin Harris 1693
David serving his generation; or, A sermon shewing what is to be done in order to our so serving our generation, as that when we dy, we shall enter into a blessed rest (wherein some account is given concerning many eminent ministers of Christ at London, as well as in N. E. lately gone to their rest.) Occasioned by the death, of the Reverend Mr. John Baily, who deceased at Boston in New-England. December 12th. 1697. Boston, Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen. 1698
De successu evangelij apud Indos in Nova-Anglia. epistola. Londini, J. G. 1688. Ultrajecti, Wilhelmum Broedeleth 1699
Departing glory: eight jeremiads [...] by Increase Mather; with an introduction by Lee Schweninger. Delmar (NY), Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints v. 1986
Diary by Increase Mather, March, 1675-December, 1676. Together with extracts from another diary by him, 1674-1687. With an introduction and notes, by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, J. Wilson and son 1900
Ichabod, or, A discourse shewing what cause there is to fear that the glory of the Lord is departing from New-England: delivered in two sermons. Boston, Timothy Green 1702; Boston, N. Boone 1729
Jeremiads. New York, AMS Press 1985
Kometographia; or, A discourse concerning comets; wherein the nature of blazing stars is enquired into; with an historical account of all the comets which have appeared from the beginning of the world unto this present year, M.DC.LXXXIII, expressing the place in the heavens, where they were seen, their motion, forms, duration; and the remarkable events which have followed in the world, so far as they have been by learned men observed. As also two sermons occasioned by the late blazing stars. Boston, S. Green for S. Sewell and sold by J. Browning 1683
Meditations on the glory of the heavenly world. Boston in N. E., Timothy Green. 1711
Meditations on the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ: delivered in several sermons. Boston in New-England, Bartholomew Green for Nicholas Buttolph 1705
Meditations on the sanctification of the Lord's Day and on the judgments which attend the profanation of it: to which is added, Seasonable meditations both for winter and summer. Boston, T. G. for S. Gerrish 1712
Mystery of Israel's salvation explained and applied. Increase Mather: two tracts. New York (NY), AMS Press 1983
Now or never is the time for men to make sure of their eternal salvation: several sermons in which is declared, I. That now is the day of salvation, II. That it is wisdom for men to consider their latter end, III. That impenitent sinners will be found guilty of their own destruction. Boston, Benja-min Eliot 1713
Practical truths tending to promote godliness, wherein several important duties are urged and the evil of divers common sins is evinced: delivered in sundry sermons. Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Boston in New-England, Samuel Green upon assignment of Samuel Sewall 1682
Practical truths, plainly delivered: wherein is shewed, I. That true believers on Jesus Christ, shall as certainly enjoy everlasting life in Heaven, as if they were there already. II. That there is a blessed marriage between Jesus Christ, the son of God, & the true believer. III. That men are infinitely concerned, not only to hear the voice of Christ, but that they do it, today. IV. The work of the ministry, described, in an ordination sermon. Boston, N. E., B. Green, for Daniel Henchman, & Sold at his Shop. 1718
Practical truth's, tending to promote holiness in the hearts & lives of Christians: delivered in several sermons. Boston in N. E., Barth. Green forBenj. Eliot 1704
Reasons for the confirmation of the charter belonging to the Massachusetts colony in New England. London 1691; 1936
Remarkable providences illustrative of the earlier days of American colonisation By Increase Mather. With introductory preface, by George Offor. London, J. R. Smith 1856; London, Reeves and Turner 1890; New York, Arno Press 1977; Portland (Or.), Back Home Indus-tries 1997
Returning unto God the great concernment of a covenant people. Boston, Printed by John Foster. 1680
Sermons wherein those eight characters of the blessed commonly called the Beatitudes, are opened & applyed: in fifteen discourses: to which is added, a sermon concerning assurance of the love of Christ. Boston, N. E., B. Green, for Daniel Henchman 1718; 1719
Several reasons proving that inoculating or transplanting the small pox, is a lawful practice, and that it has been blessed by God for the saving of many a life. Cleveland, Printed for private dis-tribution 1921
Several sermons wherein is shewed, I. That Jesus Christ is a mighty Saviour, II. That God converts his elect some at one age, and some at another, commonly before old age, III. That when godly men dye angels carry their souls to another and a better world: with a preface in which there is a brief and true character of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge a lately deceased pastor in one of the churches in Boston. Boston, B. Green for Samuel Phillips 1715
Some important truths about conversion: delivered in sundry sermons [...] with a praeface by Dr. Owen. Boston, London 1674; Boston (N.E), John Allen for John Edwards 1721
Some remarks on a late sermon, preached at Boston in New-England, by George Keith M. A. shewing that his pretended good rules in divinity, are not built on the foundation of the apostles & prophets. By Increase Mather. Boston, Nicholas Boone 1702
Some remarks on a pretended answer to a discourse concerning the common-prayer worship: with an exhortation to the churches in New-England to hold fast the profession of their faith without wa-vering. Boston, Nath. Hillier 1713
Soul-saving gospel truths; delivered in several sermons, wherein is shewed: I. The unreasonableness of those excuses which men make for their delaying to come to the Lord Jesus Chri[st] for salvation. II. That for men to despair of th[e] forgiveness of their sins because the[y] have been great, is a great evil. III. That every man in the world [is] going into eternity. Philadelphia, Printed by B. Franklin 1743
Testimony against prophane customs: namely, health drinking, dicing, cards, Christmas-keeping, New Year's gifts, cock-scaling, saints' days, etc. Reprinted from the 1687 ed., with an introd. and notes by William Peden, and a bibliographical note by Lawrence Starkey. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press for the Tracy W. McGregor Library 1953
The autobiography of Increase Mather. M. G. Hall s.d.
The believers gain by death: opened and applyed in a sermon wherein is shewed who are they that live to Christ, and how death will be gainful to all that do so, upon the death of a valuable relative. Boston, B. G. for S. Gerrish 1713
The day of trouble is near: two sermons wherein is shewed what are the signs of a day of trouble being near, and particularly what reason there is for New-England to expect a day of trouble, also what is to be done that we may escape these things which shall come to pass [...] preached (the 11th day of the 12th moneth, 1673, being a day of humiliation in one of the churches in Boston, by Increase Mather, teacher of that church. Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson 1674
The divine right of infant-baptisme asserted and proved from Scripture and antiquity. Boston, John Foster 1680
The doctrine of divine providence opened and applyed: also sundry sermons on several other subjects. Boston in New-England, Richard Pierce for Joseph Brunning, 1684; New York, AMS Press 1983
The doctrine of singular obedience as the duty and property of the true Christian: opened & applied in a sermon. Boston in New-England, Timothy Green 1707
The excellency of a publick spirit discoursed: in a sermon preached in the audience of the general assembly of the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England, May 27, 1702, being the day for election of counsellors in that Province. Boston in New-England, B. Green & J. Allen for Nicholas Boone 1702
The first principles of New-England concerning the subject of baptisme & communion of churches: collected partly out of the printed books but chiefly out of the original manuscripts of the first and chiefe fathers in the New-English churches with the judgment of sundry learned divines of the con-gregational way in England concerning the said questions. Cambridge, Samuel Green 1675
The folly of sinning opened & applyed in two sermons: occasioned by the condemnation of one that was executed at Boston in New England on November 17th, 1698. Increase Mather, President of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge and preacher of the Gospel at Boston in N. E. Boston, B. Green & J. Allen for Michael Perry and Nicholas Buttolph 1699
The great blessing, of primitive counsellours. Discoursed in a sermon, preached in the audience of the Governour, Council, and representatives, of the Province of the Massachusets-Bay in New Eng-land. May 31st, 1693. Being the day for the election of counsellors, in that Province by Increase Mather. Boston, Benjamin Harris 1693
The greatest sinners exhorted and encouraged to come to Christ, and that now without delay: also, the exceeding danger of men's deferring their repentance, together with a discourse about the day of judgement, and on several other subjects. Boston in N. E., R. P. for Joseph Brunning 1686
The history of King Philip's war. Boston, for the editor 1862
The life and death of that reverend man of God, Mr. Richard Mather. Cambridge, Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson 1670. Boston, D. Clapp 1850
The life and death of that reverend man of God, Mr. Richard Mather, teacher of the church in Dor-chester in New-England. Cambridge (Mass.), Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson 1670; Athens (Ohio) 1966 [fac-sim., introd. par Benjamin Franklin V et William K. Bottorff]. Bainbridge (NY), York Mail-Print 1974
The mystery of Christ opened and applyed: in several sermons concerning the person, office and glory of Jesus Christ. Boston in New-England. Richard Pierce for Joseph Brunning 1686
The mystery of Israel's salvation explained and applied. London 1669
The order of the gospel, professed and practised by the churches of Christ in New England, justified, by the Scripture, and by the writings of many learned men, both ancient and modern divines; in answer to several questions, relating to church discipline. Boston, B. Green, & J. Allen, for Benjamin Eliot, at his shop under the west end of the town house 1700
The righteous man a blessing. Boston, Nicholas Boone 1702
The times of men are in the hand of God. Boston, John Foster 1675
The voice of God in stormy winds. Considered in two sermons occasioned by the dreadful and un-parallel'd storm in the European nations, Novemb. 27th, 1703. Boston in N.E., T. Green for B. Eliot 1704
The wicked mans portion. Boston, John Foster 1675
Wo to drunkards: two sermons testifying against the sin of drunkenness wherein the wofulness of that evil and the misery of all that are addicted to it is discovered from the word of God. Cambridge, Marmaduke Johnson 1673
FABYAN FRANCIS WRIGHT (1871....), Illustrated catalogue of Americans rarissima from the private library of Francis W. Fabyan, esq., of Boston. New York 1920
GODDARD DELANO ALEXANDER (1831-1882), The Mathers weighed in he balance. Bos-ton, the Daily Advertiser; London, Henry Stevens 1870
GREEN SAMUEL (1830-1918), Remarks on an original portrait of the Rev. Increase Mather, D. D., and on some of the engravings taken from it. Cambridge, J. Wilson and son 1893
HALL MICHAEL GARIBALDI, The last American Puritan: the life of Increase Mather, 1639-1723. Middletown (Conn.), Wesleyan University Press 1988
HILLHOUSE JAMES (v. 1687-1740), A sermon concerning the life, death, and future state of Saints on the mournful occasion of the much lamented death of that late ingenious, pious, and vertuous gentle woman, Rachel Hillhouse. Of Free Hall, & county Londonderry, Ireland. Who died, Ja-nuary 7th, 1716. Boston (N.E.), B. Green 1721
HOLMES THOMAS JAMES (1874-1959), Increase Mather, his works: being a short-title catalogue of the published writings that can be ascribed to him. Cleveland, William Gwinn Mather 1930
—, Increase Mather; a bibliography of his works, by Thomas James Holmes, with an introduction by George Parker Winship and supplementary material by Kenneth Ballard Murdock and George Francis Dow. Cleveland 1931
KEITH GEORGE (1639-1716), A reply to Mr. Increase Mather's printed remarks on a sermon preached by G. K. at Her Majesty's chappel in Boston, the 14th of June 1702: in vindication of the six good rules on divinity there delivered, which he hath attempted (though feebly and unsuccessfully) to refute. New York, William Bradford 1703
—, The Presbyterian and independent visible churches in New-England and else-where, brought to the test, and examined according to the doctrin of the Holy Scriptures, in their doctrin, ministry, wor-ship, constitution, government, sacraments, and Sabbath day. More particularly directed to those in New-England, and more generally to those in old England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. With a call and warning from the Lord to the people of Boston and New-England to repent, &c. And two letters to the preachers in Boston; and an answer to the gross abuses, lies and slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. Philadelphia, Bradford 1689; London, T. Northcott 1691
LOWANCE MASON I. (*1938), Increase Mather. New York, Twayne Publishers 1974
LUTZ NORMA JEAN, Increase Mather. Philadelphia, Chelsea House Publishers 2000
MATHER COTTON (1663-1728), A father departing: a sermon on the departure of the venerable and memorable Dr. Increase Mather, who expired Aug. 23, 1723: in the eighty fifth year of his age [...] by one who, as a son with a father, served with him in the Gospel. Boston, T. Fleet, for N. Belknap 1723
—, Hades look'd into: the power of our great Saviour over the invisible world, and the gates of death which lead into that world: considered, in a sermon preached at the funeral of the Honourable Wait Winthrop, Esq., who expired, 7 d. IX m. 1717, in the LXXVI year of his age. Boston, T. Crump 1717
—, Johannes in eremo. Memoirs, relating to the lives, of the ever-memorable, Mr. John Cotton, who dyed, 23d. 10m. 1652. Mr. John Norton, who dyed, 5d. 2m. 1663. Mr. John Wilson, who dyed, 7d. 6m. 1667. Mr. John Davenport, who dyed, 15d. 1m. 1670. Reverend and renowned ministers of the Gospel, all, in the more immediate service of one church, in Boston; and Mr. Thomas Hooker, who dyed, 7d. 5m. 1647. Pastor of the church at Hartford, New-England. Boston, Michael Perry 1695
—, Love triumphant: a sermon at the gathering of a new church, and the ordaining of their pastor in the north part of Boston: May 23, 1722: with copies of other things offered in the publick actions of that solemn occasion. Boston, Printed by S. Kneeland, for Nath. Belknap. 1722
—, Memoirs of the life of the late Reverend Increase Mather, D. D. who died August 23, 1723. With a preface by the Reverend Edmund Calamy, D. D. London, J. Clark & R. Hett 1725
—, Parentator. Memoirs of remarkables in the life and death of the ever-memorable Dr. Increase Mather. Boston, B. Green, for Nathaniel Belknap 1724
—, The best ornaments of youth: a short essay on the good things which are found in some, and should be found in all young people, and which, wherever they are found, heaven will take a favourable notice of them: a sermon published by a religious society of young people, that were the hearers of it. Boston in N. E., Timothy Green 1707
—, The wonders of the invisible world. Being an account of the tryals of several witches lately executed in New England. To which is added, A farther account of the tryals of the New-England witches. London, J. R. Smith 1862
MATHER ELEAZAR (1637-1669), A serious exhortation to the present and succeeding generation in New-England earnestly calling upon all to endeavour that the Lords gracious presence may be continued with posterity: being the substance of the last sermons [...] preached by Mr. Eleazer Mather, late pastor of the church in Northampton in New-England. Cambridge, by S. G. and M. J. 1671
MIDDLEKAUFF ROBERT, The Mathers; three generations of Puritan intellectuals, 1596-1728. New York, Oxford University Press 1971; Berkeley, University of California Press 1999
MITCHEL JONATHAN (1624-1668), A discourse of the glory to which God hath called believers by Jesus Christ. Boston, B. Green, for Benj. Eliot 1721
MOODEY SAMUEL (1676-1747), The vain youth summoned to appear at Christ's bar, or, An essay to block up the sinful wayes of young people, by most solemn considerations, relating to that judgment unto which they are hastening: in a lecture-sermon, preached at York, in the province of Main, June 25, 1701. Boston in New-England, Timothy Green 1707
MUNK LINDA, The devil's mousetrap: redemption and colonial American literature. New York, Oxford University Press 1997
MURDOCK KENNETH BALLARD (1895-1975), Increase Mather, the foremost American Puritan. Cleveland, William Gwinn Mather 1924; Cambridge, Harvard University Press 1925; New York, Russell & Russell 1966
MURRAY ROBERT HENRY (*1874), Dublin University and the new world; a memorial discourse preached in the chapel of Trinity College, Dublin, May 23, 1921, by the Rev. Robert H. Murray. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York, Toronto, Macmillan 1921
POND ENOCH (1791-1882), The lives of Increase Mather and Sir William Phipps. Boston, Massachusetts Sabbath school society 1847
PRINCE THOMAS (1687-1758), A sermon delivered by Thomas Prince, M. A. on Wensday, October 1, 1718, at his ordination to the pastoral charge of the South church in Boston, N. E. Boston, J. Franklin for S. Gerrish 1718
SAULT RICHARD († 1702), The second Spira: being a fearful example of an atheist, who has apostatized from the Christian religion, and died in dispair at Westminster, Decemb. 8. 1692. Boston, B. Green, for S. Phillips 1693
SEARES ALEXANDER, An account of the reasons why a considerable number (about fifty, whereof ten are members in full communion) belonging to the New North congregation in Boston, could not consent to Mr. Peter Thacher's ordination there 1720
STODDARD SOLOMON (1643-1729), An appeal to the learned: being a vindication of the right of visible saints to the Lord's Supper, though they be destitute of a saving work of God's spirit on their hearts, against the exceptions of Mr. Increase Mather. Boston, B. Green for Samuel Phillips 1709
—, A guide to Christ, or, The way of directing souls that are under the work of conversion: compiled for the help of young ministers, and may be serviceable to private Christians who are enquiring the way to Zion [...] with an epistle perfixed, by the Reverend Dr. Increase Mather. Boston, J. Draper for D. Henchman 1735; Ligonier (Pa), Soli Deo Gloria Publications v. 1993
The Mathers on dancing [...] edited by Joseph E. Marks III. Brooklyn, Dance Horizons v. 1975 [99 p., ill., 24 cm]
TORREY SAMUEL (1632-1707), A plea for the life of a dying religion from the word of the Lord: in a sermon preached to the general assembly of the colony of the Massachusets at Boston in New-England, May 16. 1683, being the day of election there. Boston in New-England, Samuel Green for Samuel Sewall 1683
Two Mather biographies: Life and death and Parentator [...] edited by William J. Scheick. Bethle-hem (Pa.), Lehigh University Press; London, Cranbury (N.J.), Associated University Presses v. 1989 [241 p., 25 cm]
WALKER WILLISTON (1860-1922), Ten New England leaders. New York, Boston [etc.] Silver, Burdett and company 1901
WHITMORE WILLIAM HENRY (1836-1900), Increase Mather, the agent of Massachusetts Colony in England for the concession of a charter. Boston, T. R. Marvin & Son 1869
WILLARD SAMUEL (1640-1707), Ne sutor ultra crepidam. Boston in New-England. S. Green 1681
—, The doctrine of the covenant of redemption: wherein is laid the foundation of all our hopes and happiness, briefly opened and improved. Boston, Benj. Harris 1693
WINSHIP GEORGE PARKER (1871-1952), A representative Massachusetts Puritan, Increase Mather, M. A. of Trinity college, Dublin, and president of Harvard college from 1685 to 1701. Considered in relation to the animadversions of sundry writers on the colonial history of the Bay colony [...] A portion of an introductory essay to a bibliography of the published writings of Increase Mather compiled by Thomas J. Holmes of Cleveland, Ohio. Cambridge in New England, Harvard University Press 1931
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