A brief discourse concerning singing in the public worship of God in the Gospel-church. By I. MA clear confutation of Mr Richard Allen, and his five commendators [...] to the overthrow of their conjoined singing in artificial tunes in Gospel-worship. To which is added an answer to Mr. Wlilliam Collin's defenceThe controversie of singing brought to an end. Or, a treatise in three parts, The first is a tract on singing. The second hath some remarks on Mr Richard Allen's book, called an essay [...] with answers to them. And the third containeth several queries presented to divers edlers an ministers, with other matters, to the baptized churches about London. By Isaac Marlow
An account of the unjust proceedings, in some matters of difference, between Mr. Williams Collins and Isaac Marlow, London vers 1697 (signé à la ifn Isaac Marlow)
Some short observations made on a book newly published by Mr. Benjamin Keach, 1691
A treatise of the Holy Trinunity, 1690
Voir: Allen R. (v. 1651-v. 1716).
Jean-Marc Warszawski
Dictionnaire des écrits relatifs à la musique
Novembre 1995-13 mars 2015
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