Né à Exeter en 1622 ; mort à Londres en août 1677.
Il fait partie des chœurs de la cathédrale de Exeter, en est exclu en 1641.
Il sert alors dans les armées royales, il est dans la suite du prince Charles en exil.
Il compose de la musique d'église dans le style italien (A collection of songs made when I was in the Lowe Country, Ms Add. 31437, British Museum, Londres).
Il est de retour en Angleterre en 1651, à Londres en 1655. En 1660, il entre au service de la monarchie restaurée.
Voir : John Playford (1623-1686) ; Salmon T. (1648-1706)
Melothesia: or certain general rules for playing upon a continued-bass with a choice collection of lessons for the harpsicord and organ of all sorts. Never before published. All carefully reviewed by M. Locke [...] The first part
Modern church-musick pre-accus'd, censur'd, and obstructed in its performance before His Majesty, april 1. 1666. Vindicated by the author M. Locke
Observations upon a late book, entituled, an essay to the advancement of musick, &c. written by Thomas Salmon, M. A. of Trinity Colledge in Oxford. By Matthew Locke, composer in ordinary to His Majesty
The present practice of musick vindicated against the exceptions and new way of attaining musick lately publish'd by Thomas Salmon [...] By Matthew Locke, to which is added duellum musicum by John philipps. Together with a letter from John Playford to Mr. T. Salmon by way of confutation of his essay
Jean-Marc Warszawski
Novembre 1995 - 6 mai 2008
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