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Dorrington Theophilus
v. 1654-1715

Dorrington Theophilus

Polémiste, ministre du culte non-conformiste (dissident).

En 1678, il conduit les lectures pieuses dans un café de l'Exchande Alley à Londres.

En 1680, il s'inscrit en physique à l'Université de Leyde.

En 1698, il voyage en Hollande et en Allemagne (il en fait quelques récits).

En 1720, il obtient le grade de magister Artium à Oxford.

Il laisse une vingtaine d'ouvrages de dévotions et de morale familiale.

Écrits relatifs à la musique

A discourse on singing in the worship of God, wherein this is justify'd and recommended [...] By Theoph. Dorrington, rector of Wittresham

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Autres écrits

The Right Use of an Estate: A Sermon (on 1 Cor. vii. 31), London, 1683.

Reform'd Devotions London, 1687 (rééditions)

These were based on the writings of the Catholic layman John Austin. It contained versions of medieval hymns, among others Lauda Sion, Vexilla Regis, and Veni Sancte Spiritus. Mark Noble wrongly ascribed to Dorrington the authorship of Devotions in the Ancient Way of Offices. … Reformed by a Person of Quality, and published by George Hickes, D.D. London, 1701.

Another derivative work from Austin, it was by Susanna Hopton. Both these works printed variants of hymns by Samuel Crossman and Richard Baxter. The Excellent Woman described by her True Characters and their opposites [dedication signed T. D.], 2 pts., London, 16921695 (traduction de L'Honneste femme de Jacques du Bosc (1665).

Family Devotions for Sunday Evenings (4 v.). London 1693-1995.

A Familiar Guide to the Right and Profitable Receiving of the Lord's Supper, London 1695 (traduction française en 1699).

The Honour Due to the Civil Magistrate : Stated and Urg'd in a Sermon Compos'd for the Day of Thanksgiving for the happy Discovery of the late Horrid and Excrable Conspiracy against His Majesties Sacred and Person and Government refers to the Jacobite assassination plot, 1696.

Observations concerning the Present State of Religion in the Romish Church, with some reflections upon them made in a journey through some provinces of Germany in the year 1698; as also an account of what seemed most remarkable in those countries, London, 1699.

A Vindication of the Christian Church in the Baptizing of Infants, drawn from the Holy Scriptures, London, 1701.

The Dissenting Ministry in Religion censured and condemned from the Holy Scriptures, London, 1703.

The Regulations of Play proposed and recommended, in a Sermon. London, 1706.

Devotions for Several Occasions. London, 1707.

A Discourse on Praying by the Spirit in the use of Common Prayers., London 1708.

The Dissenters represented and condemned by themselves. London 1710.

The Worship of God recommended, in a Sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford … April 8th, 1711. With an Epistle in Defence of the Universities. Oxford, 1712.

The True Foundation of Obedience and Submission to His Majesty King George stated and confirm'd, and the late Happy Revolution vindicated. London 1714.

The Plain Man's Preservative from the Error of the Anabaptists, showing the Professors of the Establish'd Religion how they may defend the Baptism they receiv'd in their Infancy against them. … Second edition, London 1729.


LESLIE STEPHAN & SYDNEY LEE (éd.), National Biography. Smith, Elder & Co, London 1908.

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