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Butler Charles
v. 1560-1647

Butler Charles

Né vers 1560 à Wycomb, mort le 28 ou 29 mars 1647 à Wootton St Lawrence.

Ecclésiastique, musicien, grammairien, apiculteur.

Il intègre le Magdalen Hall, Oxford, en 1579 il y est bachelier en 1583, et magister en en 1587. On ne sait rien sur sa formation musicale, sinon qu'il fut choriste de 1579 à 1585.

Il a servi diverses petites paroisses. Il quitte Oxdord en 1593 pour Nately Scures (près de Basingstoke), où il est recteur. En 1595, il est maître à l’école Holy Ghost de Basingstoke, en 1600, vicaire de St. Lawrence à Wooton.

Écrits relatifs à la musique

The principles of musik, in singing and setting: with the two-fold use thereof (ecclesiasticall and civil) by Charles Butler

London, John Haviland for the author 1636 (42 exemplaires conservés)

The principles of musik. Dan,s « The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile » (284), Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; New York, Da Capo Press 1970 [135 p., ill., mus., 23 cm]

The principles of musik in singing and setting. Introduction de Gilbert Reaney. Da Capo Press music reprint series, New York, Da Capo Press 1970 [xv-135 p., ill., musique 23 cm]

Smith Arthur Timothy, Charles Butler’s The Principles of Music in Singing and Setting, with the Twofold Use Thereof, Ecclesiastical and Civil (1636): A Computer-Assisted Transliteration of Book I and the First Chapter of Book II, with Introduction, Supplementary Notes, Commentary, and Appendices (thèse). Ohio State University 1974 [xvii-539 p., illus., tables., fac-sim., transcr., appendix, bibl., index, RILM 76:5444dd]

Fac-similé, Library of Congress, Washington


Autes écrits

Rhetoricae libri duo, quorum prior de tropis et figuris, posterior de voce et gestu praecipit... quinto editi (auctore Carolo Butler), G. Stansby, Londini 1621.

De propinquitate matrimonium impediente regula... authore Carolo Butler,... excudebant J. Lichfield abd G. Turner, Oxoniae 1625.

The English Grammar, Or The Institution of Letters. Oxford, Printed by William Turner 1633 [63 p., 19x14 cm]; Charles Butler’s English grammar. Halle a. S., M. Niemeyer, 1910 [xix-134 p., 23 cm].

The Feminin’ Monarchi’, Or The Histori Of Bee’s. Shewing Their admirable Natur’, and Propertis; Their Generation and Colonis; Their Government, Loyalti, Art, Industri; Enimi’s, VVars, Magnanimiti, &c. Together With the right Ordering of them from tim’ to tim’: and the sweet’ Profit arising ther’ of. Written out of Experience’ By Charls Butler, Magd. Oxford, Printed by William Turner, for de Author. M.DC.XXXIV [sur le chant des abeilles, troisième éd., première: 1609. Ce livre est écrit selon l’orthographe que Butler à proposé dans sa grammaire publieé en 1633] ; « The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile » (81), Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; New York, Da Capo Press 1969 [239 p., 21 cm].


Baker D. & J., A 17th-century Dial-Song. Musical Times (119) 1978.

Carpenter N. C., Charles Butler and the Bees Madrigal. Notes and Queries (Nex ser. II) 1955.

Fosker J., Alumni oxionienses. Oxford 1891.

Fuller Thomas (1608-1661), The history of the worthies of England. London, J. Wright 1684; London, J. Rivington 1811; London, T. Tegg 1840; London, J. Nisbet 1868; New York, AMS Press 1965.

Hayes G. R., Charles Butler and the music of Bees. Musical Times (XLVI) 1925.

Matthew James E., The Literature of Music. London 1896; New York, Da Capo Press 1969 [281 p., 20 cm].

Pruett James, Charles Butler: Musician, Grammarian, Apiarist. Musical Quarterly (49) 1963.

Sarton George, The feminin Monarchie of Charles Butler 1619. Isis (34) 1943.

Wood Anthony (1632-1695), Athenae Oxionenses, an exact histrory of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford; to which are added the Fasti; or Annals of the said university. Oxford 1691 London, D. Midwinter and J. Tonson 1721; London, J. Rivington 1813-1830; New York, Johson Reprint Corp 1967; New York, B. Franklin v. 1967

plume 4 Jean-Marc Warszawski
Dictionnaire des Écrits relatifs à la musique
Novembre 1995-30 septembre 2022

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