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Soundscapes in the BAlkans: Rethinking Histories, Reflecting Theories and Ideologies

2-6 september 2025, Brasov

The Faculty of Music from Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania), has the honor of hosting the IMS-RASMB International Musicological Conference on the subject SOUNDSCAPES IN THE BALKANS: Rethinking Histories, Reflecting Theories and Ideologies (2-6 September 2025).

The purpose of the 9th International Conference of the IMS-RASMB is to strengthen the importance of musical and cultural interactions among the countries of the South-East European Region. Based on the topic Soundscapes in the Balkans: Rethinking Histories, Reflecting Theories and Ideologies, the conference aims to develop further the already successfully established scientific and cultural dialogues among musicologists primarily from the Balkans, but also from other geographical areas.

The 9th International Conference of the IMS-RASMB 2025 aims to bring a major contribution to the mapping of musical cultures and soundscapes in the Balkans, both on diachronic and synchronic levels.

We invite you to join us at this event. Here you can register and learn more about our conference

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Lundi 13 Janvier, 2025