September 4th -7th, 2025, Lisbon
Biblioteca da Ajuda and PalácioNacional de Mafra (Lisbon, Portugal)
Call for Papers International Conference
On the occasion ofthe 300th anniversary of Alessandro Scarlatti’s death and the 340th anniversary of Domenico Scarlatti’s birth, this international conference organizedby Divino Sospiro - CEMSP aims to shed light into the context in which the Scarlatti family worked, in an attempt to reconstruct the dense network of their relationships with several political and artistic areas. Alessandro and Domenico are the most prominent figures within a group ofoutstanding musicians: singers, composers, instrumentalists, all extremelyimportant at that time. Their presence in many European countries is witnessed,and their reputation and their music arrived in those places they could notreach in person. They contributed to performances capable to reflect thecultural issues of a European establishment. As an example, the arrival ofDomenico Scarlatti was crucial for establishing the taste for Italian opera inPortugal, as well as exporting the genre of serenata to the Spanish court.
The conference will be an opportunity to analyse operas as well as biographies, production systems, artistic strategies, international contacts all over the continent, from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective.
The official languages of the conference are Portuguese, English, Italian, and Spanish.
Abstracts in Wordformat (.doc), should not exceed 300 words. Please enclose in the same filebrief biography of 150 words max., providing your name and surname, postal address, e-mail and telephone number, as well as your institutionalaffiliation to
The deadline for sending abstracts is February 28th , 2025.
ScientificBoard: José Camões (CET - Universidade de Lisboa), Francesco Cotticelli (Università Federico II, Napoli), Teresa Chirico (Conservatorio Santa Cecilia, Roma), JoséMaría Domínguez (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), Paologiovanni Maione (Università della Campania Vanvitelli), Giuseppina Raggi (CES- Universidade de Coimbra), Iskrena Yordanova (CESEM - Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
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ISNN 2269-9910.
Lundi 13 Janvier, 2025