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Voices of Women – Unheard Voices

October 10-11, 2024, Stavanger
Faculty of Performing Arts at the University of Stavanger, Norway
Call for papers

Voices of Women (VOW) Erasmus+ Educational Symposium for researchers, music educators, and graduate music student

The Voices of Women project, VOW, an Erasmus+ funded joint project with the University of Groningen, The University of Stavanger, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar, invites paper presentations, performances, posters, or lecture recitals from teachers, performers, graduate students, and scholars interested in the theme of unheard voices. We understand voices metaphorically, artistically, and literally to include women or women-identifying genders in a variety of roles whose creative musical ‘voices’ contribute to the authorship of a particular body of work.

This meeting will be the final conference organized by the VOW Erasmus+ project in relation to music education at the graduate level.


The project's main goal has been to enhance familiarity with musicalcompositions crafted by women: concretely, the performing repertoire of art song* from 19th and 20th century Europe. Other paper themes which particularly explore women’s voices more broadly might include:

- Women and gender

- Unsung songs

- Individual composers' outputs

- Accessibility

- Women performers whose instrumental or vocal style contributes to a unique artistic voice

- Forms of musical ownership related to particular performance practices

- Voices in performance

- The intersections of race, class, and sexuality with gender in music’s materialities or compositional structures

- Women’s unique singing voices as critical signatures of songs composed  by others (e.g. Billie Holiday)

- Women as creative agents in the cultural transfer of music cultures and genres identified with women’s musical output

- Art song and women performers and composers

- Practice-based research on noteworthy women’s voices

- New research methods for researching women composers and authors


Please send an abstract or proposal of approx. 300 words summarizing your presentation  before May 5th, 2024. A short bio of under 50 words is also requested. The format can be paper presentations (20 min + 10 min Q & A), poster presentations, or lecture recitals (35 min +10 min Q & A). Applicants will be notified by June 10th. There is no conference fee.

After the conference, it will be possible for the paper presenters to turn
their paper into an article (6000-9000 words) for the journal *PSPlaySpace*, which will publish a special issue in Oct. 2025 based on the conference presentations (Level 1 in the Norwegian system). All publications will be subject to double blind peer review.


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Mardi 16 Juillet, 2024