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Transnational Opera Studies Conference 2025

7th to 9th July 2025, Cambridge
Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge

Deadline for abstracts: Friday 13th December 2024

Founded in Bologna in 2015, tosc@ is a biennial meeting that aimstounite the excellence and boldness of contemporary research on opera and musical theatre. Following on from previous events in Bologna, Bern, Paris, Bayreuth and Lisbon, the conference encourages the presence of a wide range of contributors, and in particular hopes to foster interest in opera studies in the younger generation of researchers, be they musicologists or scholars from other disciplines. Everyone is invited to take part, regardless of their professional status.

This year's conference will include keynotes by Carolyn Abbate and Francesca Vella (winner of the tosc@Lisbon 2023 award), as well as a further speaker to be confirmed.

The Programme Committee welcomes proposals in the following formats:

individual papers* (20 minutes long, with 10 minutes for discussion);

themed sessions* (three or four papers, each 20 minutes long with 10 minutes for discussion – please note that the Committee reserves the right to accept one or several proposals on a separate basis even if the entire panel is not selected);

roundtable sessions* (90 minutes long, up to six people each giving a
brief position paper, followed by a general discussion).

We invite submissions on any subject related to opera, broadly conceived, and other forms of musical and music theatre. Presentations which integrate performative aspects, or other alternative formats, are welcome. Methodologies may be varied, traversing disciplines and perspectives, including but not limited to: verbal text, music, drama, performance, body, voice, interpretation, declamation, painting, scenography, dance, staging, stage technology, cinema, photography, video, television, radio, digital arts, as well as reception, historiography, economics, ecology, opera and society, opera and the media, opera and the other arts, opera in a globalized world etc.

Abstracts should include: Author's full name,Institutional affiliation, Email address

Paper title and abstract (maximum 350 words), For themed sessions: please include a *250-word summary* outlining the aims of the session and a *350-word abstract* for each paper;

For roundtable sessions: please include a *250-word summary* outlining the aims of the session, and a *brief description of each* position paper.

All abstracts will be anonymized before being evaluated by the Programme Committee, and should be submitted as a Word file (.doc or .docx, *not* pdf)

Programme Committee, Céline Frigau Manning, Sarah Hibberd, Kordula Knaus, José Manuel Izquierdo König, Emanuele Senici, Mary Ann Smart, Benjamin Walton (chair), Parkorn Wangpaiboonkit

Organizing Committee ; Katharine Ellis, Susan Rutherford, Shadi Seifouri, David Trippett, Benjamin Walton (chair)ù

Deadline for abstract submission: 13 December 2024

Announcement of paper acceptances: end of January 2025

Please send any questions about the conference to Benjamin Walto or Shadi Seifouri.

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Lundi 21 Octobre, 2024