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Tradition and Transformation in Hofmannsthal’s Vienna

25 April 2025

An Interdisciplinary Study Day at the University of Oxford
Call for Proposals

Early twentieth-century Vienna has long captivated scholars from a wide range of disciplines. From its complex modernist aesthetics to its dynamic socio-political transformations, this era has been extensively studied, yet one figure remains somewhat elusive in English-language scholarship beyond the fields of Opera Studies and Austrian Literature: Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929). This study day brings together the multifarious disciplines that Hofmannsthal’s life and work touched as a springboard for fresh inquiry. A keynote lecture will be given by Professor Robert Vilain (Oxford).

We invite submissions from the broadest range of scholarly perspectives to examine tensions between tradition and transformation in Vienna between c.1890 and 1930. We welcome explorations across disciplinary boundaries, for example between art, dance, film, history, literature, music, mythology, opera, philosophy, politics, psychology, religion and theatre.

Suggested themes include but are not limited to:

Tradition and transformation in a stratified society.

Culture and socio-political currents: before, during and after WWI.

Vienna, Austria and Europe: concepts of identity.

The military: cultural and moral influence.

Society, gender and sexuality.

Conjunctions of religions and psychologies.

Spaces for intellectual and creative exchange.

The word: written, spoken, sung.

Changing times in theatre and dance.

Dreams, myths and fantasies, pantomime and opera.

Time and space in fiction and real-life.

The making, breaking and reforming of networks.

General guidelines

In-person study day at the University of Oxford.

Language of paper and visual aids (slides): English.

Presentation formats include (but are not limited to) 20-minute paper, 60-minute panel, or 45-minute lecture-recital.

There will be a round-table discussion to plan events leading to the 2029 anniversary of Hofmannsthal’s death.

Please submit a 300-word abstract and 100-word biographical note by midday, Friday 24 January 2025.

The committee will notify authors of its decision by 7 February 2025.

Registration fee for attendance will be about £15 to cover cost of lunch and refreshments.

Please contact the committee if any guidelines hinder your possible involvement in this study day. We wish to assist in any way we can.

Study Day Committee: Stephanie Franklin (University of Oxford), Philip Keller (University of Durham), Richard Strivens (University of Bristol).

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