23-26 October 2024
University of Zagreb
Conference website
Conference email
By organising the third international PAM-IE 2024 conference, we aim to bring together the diverse research endeavours of individuals and institutions in the interdisciplinary field of psychology and music and to continue providing a setting in which they can make their work visible to each other as well as to a broader interested audience.
The conference is planned to be held on-site, with the possibility to combine live and virtual participation.
Main conference topics, Psychological aspects of:
processing music
musical potential and development
music performance
music and individual differences
music and well-being
music and affect
music and social contexts
state of the art.
We are looking forward to exchanging knowledge and experiences with you!
Heads of the Programme & Organising Committees : Sanja Kiš Žuvela, University of Zagreb Academy of Music, Department of Musicology ; Ana Butković, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology.
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Musicologie.org, 56 rue de la Fédération, 93100 Montreuil. ☎ 06 06 61 73 41.
ISNN 2269-9910.
Samedi 20 Janvier, 2024