1-3 July 2025, Dublin
University college Dublin
Submission deadline: 31 August 2024
Over the last thirty years, the Spanish empire has received increasing scholarly attention worldwide in an effort to resituate its history and legacies within a wider transnational network of political connections and exchanges from Mexico to Equatorial Guinea, the Philippines, and beyond. At the same time, historiographical debates have shed new light on the uniqueness of its power dynamics – often defined as an exception in the postcolonial paradigm – and the complexity of its cultural processes.
The conference ‘Opera and the Spanish empire. Genres, encounters and translations, 1600 to 1900’ joins this debate from a musicological perspective: it brings musicologists and historians together for a new interdisciplinary discussion about the role that opera played in the history of the Spanish empire, from its origins until its collapse and even after, through the many legacies it left worldwide.
The operatic world will be discussed as a narrative and performative space for imperial dynamics, as a social and political tool for the construction and questioning of the Spanish hegemony, but also as a permeable space of coexistence of different forms and languages throughout the centuries from Spain to Latin America, Asia, Africa and the rest of Europe.
Presentations will be welcome on a range of aspects including, but not limited to:
-music, migration and mobility across the Spanish empire
-music and theatre during Spanish colonialism
-opera and independence in former Spanish territories
-operatic legacies in former Spanish territories after 1800
-translations and adaptations of operas across the Spanish empire
-opera and the ‘Black Legend’
-operatic representations of the Spanish empire (such as Vivaldi’s Motezuma or Verdi’s Don Carlo and La Forza del Destino)
-Spanish operatic traditions (zarzuelas, tonadillas, sainetes) and their global transformations
Keynote speaker: Christopher Webber (Scholar, theatre professional and dramatist)
Conference languages: English, Spanish
Submission of proposals
Proposals for individual papers may be in English and Spanish and should include:
-author’s full name
-country and institution
-e-mail address and paper title
-abstract (maximum 400 words)
Proposals should be submitted as attachments by email as a Word file to operaspanishempire@gmail.com by 31 August 2024. Everyone submitting a proposal will be sent a confirmation email.
All abstracts will be anonymised before being evaluated by the Programme Committee. Please do not to include any information in your abstract that could reveal your identity. All those who have submitted a proposal will be notified of the outcome by the beginning of October 2024.
Fees : Standard: 100 € ; Students: 50 €
For more information visit the conference website
Programme committee , Prof. Benjamin Walton (University of Cambridge), Prof. Victor Sánchez Sánchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Dr Charlotte Bentley (University of Newcastle), Dr José Manuel Izquierdo König (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Dr Tomás McAuley (University College Dublin), Dr Francesco Milella González Luna (University College Dublin)
Organising committee : Dr Francesco Milella González Luna (University College Dublin).
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Mardi 16 Juillet, 2024