6-8 June 2025, online
All proposals should be submitted by email
organized by Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, IAM-Italian Institute for Applied Musicology
Keynote Speakers: Martin Iddon (University of Leeds), Sarah Collins (The University of Western Australia)
In recent decades, scholarly attention to twentieth-century musical modernism has undergone a notable shift: in contrast to a longstanding focus on compositional philosophies and formal analysis, researchers have increasingly begun turning their attention toward modernism’s entanglements with institutional structures, social (including economic) mediations, and scientific and technological developments. Drawing on interdisciplinary insights from the sociology of art, science and technology studies, performance studies, and related fields, this historiographical reorientation prompts a reevaluation of tenacious modernist discourses of musical autonomy. This resulting scholarship complements discussions of aesthetic value with attention to the multifaceted “art worlds”—networks of production, dissemination, and reception—that have given rise to and sustained modernist ideals and praxis amid shifting tastes, market forces, and postmodern critique. It productively challenges the narrative paradigms of modernism and expands its cast of characters, beyond the mythologies and great composer-intellectuals that have long prevailed. The organizers of this conference hope to respond to research in this vein, by consolidating existing trends while extending these discussions by drawing comparisons and connections across geographic and temporal contexts. It seeks to enrich our understanding of modernist musical practices by situating them within their broader cultural entanglements, drawing connections between modernism’s aesthetic products and its social processes, broadly conceived.
The official languages of the conference are English, French, Italian. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume.
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