May 28-30, 2024, Hamburg
Organizer : CMSC – Cluster of Excellence: Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Hamburg / Yasemin Gökpınar (Acting Professor at Asia Africa Institute, Hamburg) / Christoph Weyer (PI at CMSC).
Cross-border cultural relations have always existed between all cultures. Which cultural achievements found their way across borders depended, on the one hand, on their value for the source culture and, on the other hand, on their value for the receiving culture. In other words, cultural transfers have always depended on political conditions. One exception to this is the exchange of music. At almost all times and across all borders, music was considered harmless, or simply overcame religious objections, and where there was no benefit in adopting music, there was sometimes a benefit in studying the theoretical underpinnings of the other culture.
The current situation regarding the sources of musical and music-theoretical manuscripts is therefore difficult. In most cases, provenance research is more difficult than content analysis. However, in order to be able to embed the latter in the network of cross-cultural findings, it is almost impossible to avoid a precise determination of provenance. This brings the question of materiality into sharper focus. By tracing the routes of distribution of musical and music-theoretical manuscripts, we gradually come closer to an overview of cultural exchange relations, even beyond the dependence on political conditions.
The conference "Musical Heritage Across Borders - Materiality as an Indicator of Distribution Channels" is therefore not limited to specific cultures, but rather promotes exchange across cultures and communicates approaches to solutions beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines.
Submission and Key dates:
The official languages of the conference are: German, English, Arabic
The deadline for sending abstracts (of up to 1550 characters) is: March 15th, 2024.
It is intended to publish the lectures in the in-house publication series.
We are looking for a total of five early stage researcher (Master, Phd) to add further impulses to the presentations of the Scientific Board. The duration of the presentations should not exceed 20 minutes. Abstracts can be submitted until March 15, 2024. Accommodation will be provided for the speakers by the CSMC.
The decision on the proposals will be made by the organizers without consideration of age, gender, sexual orientation and identity, ethnic origin and nationality, physical constitution, religion and ideology. The cafeterias of the University of Hamburg offer vegetarian and vegan food.
For any additional queries, please feel free to get in touch
Scientific Board : Dwight Reynolds, University of Santa Barbara, Xidan Wang, University Zhengzhou, China, Saeid Kordmafi, University London, Christoph Weyer, CSMC, Yasemin Gökpınar, University Hamburg.
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Lundi 19 Février, 2024