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Music Theories, Analysis, and the Musical Cultures of Asia

June 1-5, 2026, Chengdu, China
Sichuan Conservatory of Music

The AAWM 2026 special topics symposium will be dedicated to exploring the intersections of indigenous and contemporary music theories, music analysis, and the traditional musical cultures of Asia and will be held at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Chengdu, China on June 1-5, 2026. The event will be held onsite with options for remote participation and attendance as well. The program will include numerous panel sessions, workshops, performances, and social gatherings. The full Call for Papers will be circulated on June 1, 2025 at which time the conference website will also be available.

Sponsored by The Sichuan Conservatory of Music; Analytical Approaches to World Musics Journal; and the International Foundation for the Theory and Analysis of World Musics.

Program Committee: Eshantha, Peiris (Vancouver Community College), chair

Organizing Committee: Lawrence Shuster (Cornell) and Xinyi Liang (Sheffield), co-chairs, Lorenzo Chiarofonte (Bologna), Bruno Deschenes (Ind. Scholar), Yayoi Everett (CUNY)

Local Arrangements Committee (Sichuan Conservatory): Liu Wen, Guo Yan, Huang Xu, Wu Zhinao, Dong Ke, Liu, Peng.

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Lundi 21 Octobre, 2024