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KVNM Students Conference in Musicology "Bodies of/and Music"

3-4 April 2025, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Submission deadline: 1 December 2024

Maximum registration fee: €30,- for students, €50,- for non-students (KVNM members will be offered a reduction). This fee includes attendance, a program booklet, coffee/tea and lunch on both days

The Royal Society for Music History of the Netherlands (KVNM) invites students to its bi-yearly Student Conference. The event will take place at Utrecht University on 3-4 April 2025. The conference accepts abstracts from BA, MA, and PhD levels, as well as those who have graduated from these programmes within the past two years. We welcome contributions from all research areas within the field of musicology, including, but not limited to, historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, performance studies, popular music studies, computational musicology, music cognition, and digital musicology.

This year’s conference theme is “Bodies of/and Music,” inviting participants to engage with the various ways in which the concept of “bodies” interacts with music and musicological research. It encompasses the concept of “bodies of work,” such as musical repertoires, collections, or genres. Furthermore, it allows for the exploration of the role of the body in performing, creating, and listening to music, and how bodies are represented and shaped through music.

Abstracts of 250 words or less and are to be submitted through this form. The deadline for submission is December 1, 2024, 23:59. We invite proposals for:

Individual papers (max. 20 minutes). Proposals should include a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words.

Themed panel sessions (90 minutes, including 30 minutes for discussion). The proposal should include a title and abstract of no more than 250 words for each speaker, and an indication of the length of each contribution. An additional 200-word rationale is required that makes clear the purpose of the panel, its theme, and the ways in which the individual contributions relate to each other. While there is no limit on the number of contributors, panel organizers must ensure that the session stays within the 90-minute timeframe, with sufficient time allocated for discussion. Please indicate if an independent chair will be needed

Poster presentations. Proposals should include a title and abstract of no more than 250 words. Please note that it will be the student’s responsibility to print their own posters.

The submitted work must be in English or Dutch. A biography is unnecessary to add at this stage, as all abstracts will undergo a blind peer-reviewing process before final acceptance. Authors of accepted abstracts will be informed before 20 January 2025.

We encourage students and early career scholars to submit abstracts on topics including, but not limited to:

Material bodies of musical works (notation, music manuscripts, music and print, music and technologies, music and media, music and digitization)

(Computational) methods or analyses of vast bodies of musical data (music information retrieval, optical music recognition, computational music, and analysis)

Music and performance practices (musical techniques, performance studies, historically informed practices)

Music and gendered/racialized bodies 

Music and disability 

Music and emotions

Music and medicine, music and cognition, music therapy

Music and rituals

RMA student members from Universities in the United Kingdom can submit their abstracts under the exchange scheme between the Royal Musical Association (RMA) and the Royal Society for Music History of the Netherlands (KVNM). Of the abstracts submitted under this scheme and selected by the programme committee to be presented at the conference, three will be chosen to receive extra financial support. They will receive a waiver of the conference fee from the KVNM and a bursary of up to £250,- to cover travel and accommodation costs of the RMA. [There is a reciprocal arrangement for KVNM students to visit the UK for the RMA student conference on even years.]

o partake in this exchange programme, in addition to submitting your abstract, you must:

Indicate on the submission form that you are submitting under the RMA-KVNM exchange programme

Email proof of your enrollment in a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD programme at a University or Conservatory in the UK for the academic year 2022-2023, 2023-2024, or 2024-2025.

Be a member of the RMA

Organizing Committee: Annelies Andries, Anne Frijns, Dorian Hagedoorn, Joana Santos, Lotte de Smet, Maria Zwartbol

For questions or additional information, please contact 

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Lundi 21 Octobre, 2024