18-19 september 2025
We are exited to announce a symposium in celebration of Eduard Hanslick's 200th birthday, "Eduard Hanslick 1825-2025: Backgrounds, Contexts, Legacy." The event will be held in Vienna on September 18-19, 2025, at the campus of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and hosted by the Department of Musicology at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage.*
We warmly invite you to submit an abstract in either German or English on any topic related to Hanslick, including his backgrounds, contexts, and legacy. Critical assessments of his writings and activities are as welcome as explorations of broader topics and issues related to Hanslick as an aesthetic theorist, scholar, music critic, and composer.
Please also help us spread the word by sharing the Call for Papers (CfP) with interested colleagues and networks. The submission deadline is January 31, 2025. You can access and download the full CfP from the website of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in German and English.
To ensure a blind review process, please direct all submissions and inquiries to our official email address.
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Samedi 21 Décembre, 2024