1 to 3 July 2025, Guildford
University of Surrey, UK.
Deadline for submissions: 3 February 2025.
The Early Recordings Association (ERA) is a non-profit association and an international platform for communication between researchers and early recording enthusiasts. ERA is a free source and online platform for general audiences, academic researchers, collectors, and enthusiasts interested in early recordings, currently connecting over 200 members all over the world. ERA events open pathways for researchers, practitioners and enthusiasts to collaborate, and share their knowledge, experience and skills.
The Early Recordings Association Annual Conference shall take place from 1 to 3 July 2025, at the University of Surrey in Guildford. The programme committee welcomes proposals from early-career researchers, postgraduate students and established experts who currently work on early recordings in the widest range of genres and perspectives. We welcome proposals for individual papers (20 minutes, plus 10-minutes for questions), lecture-recitals (35 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions), and panel discussions (1 hour and 30 minutes in total). Researchers, enthusiasts, collectors, performers, early career researchers, and PhD students are warmly invited to share their research on a range of topics including, but not limited to:
early recording technologies and recording practices
early recordings as documents of historical performance practices
wider cultural significance of early recordings
discographies and record archiving
database creation for discographic data and audio files
early recording collections and collecting practices
folk-popular musics and historical recordings
historical records and musical analysis
Abstracts (maximum 300 words) and short biographies (120 words) should be sent, including the applicant’s institutional affiliation and contact details. The programme committee will communicate its decision by 1 March 2025, and the full programme will be announced by 1 April 2025.
For more information about ERA, please visit
Programme committee: Inja Stanovic (University of Surrey), Eva Moreda Rodriguez (University of Glasgow), Patrick Feaster (First Sounds Initiative), Nikos Ordoulidis (University of Ioannina), Filip Sir (National Museum Prague)
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