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Broadening music performance: New approaches and possibilities for higher music education

26 and 27 June 2025, Guildford

Location: University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom

Deadline for abstracts: 10 January 2025.

Broadening Music Performance (2025) is convened by the University of Surrey and Leeds Beckett University. This conference aims to explore new ground for the expansion of (and transformation in) scholarly, artistic and educational research and practice of music performance of any genre. The conference's themes (see website) are intentionally broad to encourage discussion and debate on connections between music performance, education and society, and to explore fruitful disciplinary synergies across cultural contexts. This event aims to provide an inclusive forum where educators, scholars, practitioners, students and cultural sector stakeholders can come together and exchange evidence-based knowledge and insights on developing and disseminating best pedagogical practices. Discussion and debate are encouraged on pursuing performance research (artistic, scholarly or other type) which has a transformative impact on society.

Suggested themes for papers and further details, available on the conference website

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Samedi 14 Décembre, 2024