6-7 February 2025, Madrid
the Universidad Complutense de Madrid – in collaboration with the Pau Casals Foundation and the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales – will be hosting a conference on Pau Casals(1876–1973). In it, we want to reflect on Casals' importance and legacy, and on the people, objects, and practices that revolved and cristalised around his figure. In this manner, we aim at placing this Catalan musician in the broader context of musical making and cultural history in the 19th and 20th centuries.
The programme committee encourages proposals on the following topics in connection with Pau Casals, although other issues will also be welcome:
Recorded sound: formats, objects, collaborative work
Live concert practices: acoustics, programming, encounters
Transmitting sound impressions: reviews, conversations, memories, classes
Embodied sound: physicality, performance experiences
From solo to the orchestra: dynamics of individual and ensemble playing (chamber and orchestral music)
Material sound: Instruments, devices, mediations
Proposals should be submitted through the official form by 1 September 2024.
All submissions must include:
Author's name(s) and affiliation(s)
Email address(s)
Type of presentation
Abstract: max. 300 words for short presentations and lecture-recitals, max. 600 words for themed sessions.
3-5 keywords
All proposals will be reviewed anonymously. The results will be communicated by 15 October 2024.
Further details can be found at the conference website
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Samedi 21 Décembre, 2024