30 June-4 July 2025, Newcastle
From 30 June to 4 July 2025, the universities of Newcastle, Durham, and Northumbria at Newcastle are delighted to welcome MedRen back to the UK for the annual Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. We warmly welcome proposals from across the entire field of medieval and Renaissance music, and we especially encourage proposals relating to the following topics:
the idea of the north;
borders and migrations;
Gibbons @400 and Palestrina @500;
vernacular and popular music traditions;
materiality and material culture;
music editing.
MedRen 2025 is primarily an in-person conference, although we will offer remote participation.
We invite proposals in the following formats:
Individual papers of 20 minutes (followed by up to 10 minutes of discussion and questions);
Themed sessions (these might be 120 minutes for four papers, 90 minutes for three papers or 60 minutes for two paired papers, including discussion and questions);
Round tables or workshops (maximum 90 minutes, please describe its form and content);
Posters, to be included in a dedicated 90-minute poster session (format DIN A0, upright/max. DIN A1 landscape).
Please submit proposals via this link
The same link can be accessed via our web site
Please submit proposals by the end of *FRIDAY 31st JANUARY 2025
We will send out notifications of acceptance in March 2025.
The registration portal will open in April 2025 with early-bird registration ending 23rd May 2025.
Local Organising Committee : Dr Katherine Butler (Northumbria), Prof. Kirsten Gibson (Newcastle), Dr Hector Sequera (Durham), Prof. David Smith (Northumbria), Prof. Magnus Williamson (Newcastle), in liaison with Dr James Cook (Edinburgh) and Prof. Thomas Schmidt (Manchester).
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Samedi 14 Décembre, 2024