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21st Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music

16-20 July 2025, Birmingham
Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (Birmingham City University, UK)
Call for papers

The organizing committee invites proposals for:

• Individual papers of 20 minutes in uration (followed by questions and discussion)

• Lecture-recitals of 30 minutes in duration (followed by questions and discussion)

• Themed and round-table sessions of 90 minutes in duration, including discussion

• Poster presentations

Proposals in any area of Baroque music (c.1600–c.1750) are welcome. We plan to devote distinct strands to Bach and Handel, and therefore encourage submissions on both these composers and their contexts. All presentations must be given in English.

The committee actively wishes to encourage doctoral and early career researchers to participate. All doctoral students should include a letter of recommendation from their supervisor.

Individuals may submit one proposal in the form of an abstract of not more than 250 words (individual papers, lecture-recitals, poster presentations), or not more than 350 words (round-table sessions). For lecture-recitals please also attach the repertoire and a sample recording. An individual may both submit a proposal to present a single paper and be named as a contributor to a roundtable session (but not to lead that session).

You should email your proposal (as an MS Word document, and as described below). Please use the subject line ICBM Abstract

Two versions of the proposal should be attached; the first should be anonymous, and include the title and abstract only; in the second, the abstract should be preceded by the following information:
•     Name

• Institution (where applicable)

• Postal address

• E-mail address

• Phone number

• Presentation type (paper, lecture-recital, round table, poster)

The content of this second attachment (personal details and abstract) should also be pasted into the body of the email, in case of transmission problems.

Doctoral students only: a letter of recommendation from a supervisor must be included as a third attachment.

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is midnight (UK time) on Friday 17 January 2025.

Please note that the above in-box will not be monitored on a daily basis until January, though you should receive an automatic response to your submission. If you experience any problems with making your submission, or have any questions in the meantime, please email Shirley Thompson directly

A conference website will be launched shortly, and details circulated.

Birmingham Baroque 2025 Conference Committee

Organising Committee / RBC Programme Committee Members:
Shirley Thompson (Chair), Carrie Churnside, Martin Perkins, Helen Roberts, Michael Robertson, Graham Sadler, Jamie Savan, Jeffrey Skidmore, Michael Talbot, Shirley Thompson, Colin Timms, John Whenham

Programme Committee Members External to RBC: Rebekah Ahrendt 
Malachai Bandy, Naomi Barker, Stephanie Carter, Drew Edward Davies, Gergely Fazekas, Giulia Giovani, Ilaria Grippaudo, Massimiliano Guido, Noelle Heber, Alan Howard, Rebecca Herissone, David Irving, Susan McCormick, Paul Newton Jackson, Theodora Psychoyou, Saraswathi Shukla, Robert Rawson, Alex Robinson, Stephen Rose, Yo Tomita, David Vickers.

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Jeudi 26 Septembre, 2024