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2024 RMA Practice Research Study Day

4 December 2024, Leeds
School of Music at the University of Leeds between

Continuing from the successful inaugural practice research study day in 2023, the intention behind this event is to give an opportunity to practice researchers (both early career researchers and PhD researchers) to network and meet other researchers around a focus on methodology in practice research. Furthermore, another purpose of this study day is to encourage practice researchers at the very beginning of their PhD research to attend and take part in presenting: there will be slots for posters as well as spoken presentation. We want to maximise discussion time, so as well as presentations and lecture recitals there will be a Q&A, and long lunch and coffee breaks. Lecture-recitals can either be a performance with short framing presentation, or a hybrid performance-lecture. We also encourage composer/performer collaborators to present as a group. In short, this whole day is an opportunity to meet practice researchers from other institutions and discuss issues and successes around methods and methodology.

This day is focussed specifically on practice research methods and methodologies and not specific research content. Please use this form to express your interest in participating in the study day, submit an abstract, and choose the format of presentation you wish use.

We are offering a limited number of assistance bursaries of up to £50 for attendees to this event from outside of Yorkshire. Please tick the box below if you wish to apply for this. Note that only RMA members can apply for this bursary.

Attending this event is open to both RMA members and non-members, but only RMA members can apply for the assistance bursary.

Deadline for papers: Sunday 10 November at 23:59

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paypal, 56 rue de la Fédération, 93100 Montreuil. ☎ 06 06 61 73 41.

ISNN 2269-9910.


Lundi 21 Octobre, 2024