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The music of György Ligeti in the world of teaching

15-16 December 2023, Alessandria
Call for papers
International conference

The Conservatory “Antonio Vivaldi" of Alessandria (Italy) is organizing the international conference "The music of György Ligeti in the world of teaching". The conference will be held in person on 15-16 December 2023. If it becomes necessary, hybrid and/or online modes of participation will be employed.

Ligeti's music is becoming increasingly popular in the concert, conservatory, and academic arenas. Yet the rich philosophical and analytical depths of this music are not so well-known, especially in pedagogical contexts. Scholars and pedagogues are therefore invited to submit abstracts concerning different types of didactic approach to the composer's works. Considering the three compositional periods of Ligeti's production and research, which didactic approaches and which indications can be provided to students in order to investigate the musical material and become aware users? The multiple proposals of the conference will emerge from this question.

A keynote speaker will be announced when the conference program is

Key dates:

The deadline for sending proposals is 15 October 2023. Accepted proposals will be notified by 30 October 2023. Registration for the Conference will be open from 1 December 2023. Abstracts can be sent to:

Presentation types

1. Individual papers or with several authors (duration 20' plus 10' for discussion) 2. Round table proposals (three to four papers, each of 20' plus 10' for discussion) 3. Paper/performance (duration 30' plus 10')

The official languages of the Conference are Italian and English. Proposals can be presented in one of the two official languages. In order to maximize the accessibility of the materials in the international context of the Conference, speakers who choose to present their speech in Italian are asked to prepare their slides in English.

For each proposed report, the following must be prepared:

- An anonymous PDF document containing the title of the proposal, an
abstract of 500 words and 5 keywords.

- A PDF document containing your name, affiliation and a short biography (maximum 200 words) for each author involved in the proposal.

For a pre-arranged session, applicants should prepare the abstracts of each individual paper in separate files as well as a separate presentation (250 words) of the session as a whole.

Evaluation and communication of results

Proposals will be considered by double anonymous evaluation. Each individual paper included in the proposal of a thematic session will be evaluated separately and the session will be confirmed only if at least three proposals are accepted. Otherwise, the Scientific Committee may accept only the selected proposals as individual reports.


External speaker: 20 euros

Student supervisor: 10 euros

Auditor: 10 euros

Free for professors and students of the Conservatory of Alessandria

Organizing Committee : Paolo Cavallone, Federico Favali, Marzia Zingarelli,

Scientific Committee : Amy Bauer - University of California, Irvine, Paolo Cavallone - Conservatory of Alessandria, Federico Favali - Conservatory of Alessandria, Kerékfy Márton - Institute for Musicology, Research Center for the Humanities, Budapest, Wolfgang Marx - University College Dublin, Marzia Zingarelli - Conservatory of Alessandria.

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Jeudi 28 Septembre, 2023