bandeau_actu musicologie

édition du lundi 20 février 2023 —

Songs on lyrics by Stefan George and Peter Altenberg

Friday 03 March 2023, 10:00 to 17:00, MIM - Musical Instruments Museum, Hofberg 2, 1000 Brussels, Free entrance Website

A day filled with music and literature, with lectures on Viennese 'coffee house' author Peter Altenberg and German symbolist Stefan George, followed by a debate on correlation between writer and composer and ending with a concert packed with exciting music from the 20th and 21st centuries.

Led by Jurgen De Pillecyn, Giacomo Danese & Kristin Van den Buys.

Symposium music and literature: German literature on music of the 20th and 21st century of a.o. Stefan George & Peter Altenberg.


10:00 References of Prof. Hermann Danuser (Berlin) & Prof. Kai Kauffmann (Bielefeld) given in German with a subsequent debate that will be held in English.

15:00 Concert with alumni and students of KCB : music of Berg, Webern, Eisler, Wellesz, Adorno, Procaccioli, De Pillecyn & Apostel.


The artistic, scientific and practice based research at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel is fully integrated into the Music and Musical curricula and all education is research driven. Its objective is to educate wellinformed, high level musicians who are able to reflect critically upon their own musical practice. The research is driven by the research council Trobador.


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paypal, 56 rue de la Fédération, 93100 Montreuil. ☎ 06 06 61 73 41.

ISNN 2269-9910.


Mardi 21 Février, 2023