16 June 2023, London
Royal Holloway, University of London
Call for Papers
Deadline for abstracts: 17 March 2023
For further information, please visit the symposium website
This symposium, co-hosted by Cyborg Soloists and Technology in Musical Performance (TiMP), will explore and reflect upon the new methods and methodologies afforded by cutting edge technologies in creative musical practice.
We invite researchers/artist-researchers working with such technologies in the field of contemporary music to submit abstracts for presented papers. These could include composers, performers, sound artists, software developers, instrument builders, and others involved in creating works with technology for live performance.
Papers relating to the symposium theme are welcome, but might reflect specifically upon any of the following topics:
* Recent technological developments and how they pose opportunities and challenges for contemporary music.
* New approaches to composition or performance catalysed by recent technological developments.
* Development and critique of new or existing practice-based methodologies.
* Examining impacts of practice-research in technology-focused contemporary music on other fields or industries.
* Conceptual frameworks used in the analysis of technologically-informed practice.
* The relationship and tensions between creative processes and artistic outputs.
* Methods of documentation and ethnography in technologically-informed practice.
* Agency and affect of technological actants within creative practice.
* Ontologies, epistemologies and phenomenologies.
* Perspectives relating to the posthuman, transhuman, ahuman, more-than-human, metahuman and cyborg.
Presenters might share finished work and ideas or work-in-progress. The symposium is a chance to open a dialogue about your work and offer constructive feedback to peers.
Please submit abstracts (200 words) and bios (100 words) by 17 March 2023.
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Dimanche 19 Février, 2023