October 12-14, 2023, Coimbra
Call for Proposals
Since the 1980s there has been a remarkable efflorescence of research on musical time in a variety of research fields in the humanities as well as in the behavioral and biological sciences. Forty years later, there are few venues for dissemination of music-temporal research across disciplinary and discursive boundaries. Inspired by the conviction that cross-disciplinary sharing of results and perspectives strengthens both fundamental and applied research, the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra, in conjunction with Música Analítica, invites proposals for research presentations at a conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Musical Time. This conference will provide a platform for scholars across the disciplines to share results and methods, to envision together a more unified intellectual community, and to stimulate forums for collaboration.
The time and temporality in/of music present complex problems that benefit from a plurality of methods, theories and subjectivities. Música Analítica 2023 approaches musical time in its multiple meanings and relations to phenomena, its diversity in history and culture, and its many experiential modes. Without placing limitations on what disciplines might contribute to a robust set of conversations, the conference organizers anticipate and welcome proposals from:
• all disciplines in musicology, including music theory and analysis, historical musicology, ethnomusicology, popular-music studies, and the history of music theory;
• various fields of the humanities, including classical studies, medieval and early-modern studies; dance, film, poetry and other allied arts; and philosophy of time;
• anthropology, global cultural history, and international area studies;
• behavioral sciences, including music perception and cognition;
• cognitive neuroscience;
• computer science and artificial intelligence.
Priority will be given to presentations of original research that signal exciting future directions, or to presentations that summarize, and discuss the broader significance of, recent research clusters within particular fields and sub-fields. We will also prioritize proposals that respond sensitively to the challenge of simultaneous intelligibility across the discursive divide that separates scientific and humanistic disciplines.
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Samedi 25 Mars, 2023