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édition du lundi 20 février 2023 —

International HarMA Seminar Event and Final Dissemination Event of the HarMA+ Project

April 19–21st, 2023, Gdańsk, Poland

International HarMA Seminar is an event devoted to the matters of teaching music theory in higher music education institutions. It was founded by Salvatore Gioveni, Head of Music Theory Department and International Relations Coordinator at Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, with the idea to bring together the specialists in music theory fields: harmony, music analysis, ear training, etc., providing an opportunity for them to share their knowledge and experiences regarding teaching methods and practices as well as the structure and organization of their home institutions in that regard. The HarMA Seminar is addressed to music theory teachers: members and heads of music theory departments in higher music education institutions (HMEIs).

Previous editions of the event took place in Brussels (2018) and Budapest (2021). This year’s edition is going to take place in Gdańsk, hosted by Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music.

We have gathered a notable group of speakers, selected from among music theory specialists from all over Europe, in hopes to provide an interesting and varied programme that would cover a wide spectrum of topics regarding teaching courses within the music theory field. In addition to topic specific presentations, three training sessions will be offered, presenting teaching methods, as well as music analysis methods used in various higher music education institutions.

Full programme of the event is available on the website

This edition of the seminar is merged with a final dissemination event of the Strategic Partnership Project HarMA+: European landscape of teaching practices and pedagogical innovation in HMEIs –Harmony and Music Analysis fields (KA203, 2020-2023). The outputs of the project will be presented during the seminar. For more information about the HarMA+ project

There is still a possibility to join the Seminar as an audience member. We invite you to register via our registration form

The deadline for registration is March 1st, 2023.

The participation fee is 85 EUR. Since the Seminar is supported by the Erasmus+ programme, it is possible to obtain Erasmus+ grant for Training Mobility to cover the costs of participation. Please note that to take part in the Seminar, your institution should be higher music education institution involved in the Erasmus+ Programme  with a valid ECHE.

For more information, please visit the HarMA Seminar website:


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Dimanche 19 Février, 2023