bandeau_actu musicologie

édition du 3 janvier 2023 —

Intelligent Performance Systems

31 August - 1 September, Brighton
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

The International Conference on AI and Music Creativity is an annual conference bringing together a community of people working on the application of AI in musical practice, with topics ranging from performance systems, computational creativity, machine listening, robotics, sonification, and more.

Conference Theme

The theme of AIMC 2023 is Intelligent Performance Systems, where we are interested in how AI is applied in real-time artistic performance. This includes physical musical instruments, music theatre, software, as well as interactive installations. Our programme includes performances, installations, demo sessions in addition to academic papers. We seek to be hands-on, performative, experimental and collaborative, opening up opportunities for collaboration and co-playing.


This conference will be held at the University of Sussex. We seek to foster a creative and friendly atmosphere in the sunny, vibrant city of Brighton, UK. It is co-hosted between two research labs active in music and AI research: the Experimental Music Technologies Lab and the Intelligent Instruments Lab.

Main deadlines are in March 2023, but please find further information about indicative topics, conference theme and submission information on the Conference website


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ISNN 2269-9910


Mardi 3 Janvier, 2023