bandeau_actu musicologie, édition du jeudi 16 mars 2023 —

Historically informed Performance : Theory and Practice of the 18th-Century Musical and Theatrical Repertoire

15-17 September 2023, Queluz
NationalPalace of Queluz (Portugal)
cfp international conference

Organization : Divino Sospiro, Centro de Estudos Musicais Setecentistas de Portugal 

DS-CEMSP will hold from September 15th to 17th 2023, the 11th International Conference atthe National Palace of Queluz (Portugal). The general topic of this year is the Historically Informed Performance – Theory and Practice of the 18th-century Musical and Theatrical Repertoire. The conference aims to promote a multidisciplinary dialogue around the specificity and the heterogeneity of musical and theatrical repertoire of the 18th century, calling for the participation of researchers of various areas related to this subject. Cases concerning the historically informed interpretation and its theory, as well as aspects of theatrical configurations,staging, contexts, inherent occasions and variety of approaches, solutions, and translations through the prism of contemporary understanding and aesthetics will be taken in consideration.


Critical theory in historical performance research

Modern relevance of historical performance, entrepreneurship, nd culturalproduction 

Source studies

Historical improvisation and partimenti

Early music theory and performance


New technologies and contemporary solutions in historical performance

Scholars areinvited to submit individual proposals. Each paper shall not exceed 20minutes. Session proposals will be accepted as well: a maximum of three orfour papers will be taken into consideration, and the session should not exceed1h30. 

Official languages of the conference are Portuguese, English,Italian, Spanish

Abstracts in Word format (.doc), shouldnot exceed 300 words.

Pleaseenclose in the same file a brief curriculum vitae of 150 words max.,providing your name and surname, postal address, e-mail and telephone number,as well as your institutional affiliation.

Pleaseindicate to which topic your proposal belongs. 

Deadline forsending abstracts is April 15th, 2023


The scientific board will examine all the abstracts by April 17th,2023 and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter.

Divino Sospiro - Centro de Estudos Musicais Setecentistas de Portugal


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Jeudi 16 Mars, 2023