bandeau_actu musicologie, édition du samedi 24 mars 2023 —

Encountering (im)materiality and community through sound, voice and music

30 August - 1 September 2023, Leeds
University of Leeds, UK
Deadline for abstracts: 11 April 2023
Theatre and Performance Research Association Conference 2023

In 2022, our Sound, Voice and Music working group wondered together about the models and experiences of subjectivities and intersubjectivities made possible by online and digital performances of sound, voice and music. In 2023, we build on these explorations and turn our attention to how sound, voice and music offer modes of encounter to and from regions, bodies, communities, materialities, and spaces.

Isabel Nogueira and Linda O’Keeffe evoke the body as ‘a site for dissonanceand resonance’ (2022). Bodies, human and non-human, register and produce encounters with and knowledge of each other, and with the material world. As local, regional and planetary concerns shift, how might the complex (im)materiality of sound, voice and music attune our bodies, or allow us to encounter and understand the circumstances around us?

How is embodied and musical sound a form of connection with or understanding of the changing world around us and its ‘affective geographies’ (Voegelin 2014)? How do sounds and music interact with or articulate environments as ‘audio portraits’, sounding out aurally the layered histories of places and present encounters (Flint, Shiver and Whyte 2023)? How do memories of places and environments inspire and enhance dramaturgies of voice and sound through kinesthetic imagination (Roach 1996; Raphael & Roach 2009)? What are the ways that ‘different “realities” of time and space embedded in landscapes enhance an experiential listening of site, cultivating performances that transcend interpretations of polarisation’ (Tzakou 2018)? How do such mechanisms connect individual, place and community?

Submissions are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

- Music, sound and voice as ways of encountering and knowing the material world

- Embodied reactions to and understandings of music / sound / voice / listening as modes of attunement

- Sounding in the digital body. How sound/voice/music register and/or resonate in digital bodies

- Understandings from ecomusicology of bodies in relation to place - How accent and dialect interact with region, class and place

- Indigenous practices of sound, voice and music

- Utopian imaginings of bodies in relation to the material world through sound, voice and music

- How factors such as institutional structures, and modes of identitysuch as gender, class, region, race and ethnicity, play out in sonic, vocal and musical encounters

- Vocal, sonic and musical disruptions in places and spaces

- Sound, voice and music as forms of connection and community building, or as practices of conflict resolution For details regarding abstract's submission, deadline, and more about the conference please visit.

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Samedi 25 Mars, 2023