bandeau_actu musicologie, édition du jeudi 16 mars 2023 —

Encoding Conference and Text Encoding Initiative Members’ Meeting.


5–8 September 2023, Paderborn
Paderborn University, Germany,
with pre-conference workshops 4–5 September 2023

This event brings together, for the first time, the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) and Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) communities, both of which are involved in the digitization and encoding of cultural heritage artifacts. While musical and textual artifacts have fundamental differences, there are many overlapping approaches in regard to data modeling, encoding theory, and digital publication. MEI and TEI also share technical tools and services, as both XML vocabularies are formally expressed using TEI's customization and documentation language.

The conference topic is Encoding Cultures, understood both as the encoding of multiple cultures and cultural outputs as well as the variety of encoding cultures that exist within and across our communities.

Encoding Cultures will be the 23rd annual meeting of the TEI community and the 11th annual Music Encoding Conference, a cross-disciplinary venue for the MEI community and all who are interested in the digital representation of music.

The deadline for submissions is April 16, 2023. Please find more information and the text of the full Call for Proposals.


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Jeudi 16 Mars, 2023