bandeau_actu musicologie

édition de janvier 2023 —

Acoustical, perceptual and neural modelling of drums

11th-15th of September 2023, Torino
The 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Forum Acusticum 2023

This session aims to highlight recent advances in modelling drums across computational acoustics, psychology, and deep learning communities, and foster cross disciplinary links to address open questions. Contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics related to drum and drum-like sounds:

* Musical acoustics

* Psychoacoustics

* Timbre semantics

* Physical modelling

* Neural audio synthesis

* Digital music instruments and interfaces

Papers can be submitted for oral (a 20-minute time slot is allotted) or poster presentation through the Forum Acusticum 2023 website,

Submission deadline for abstracts is January 31, 2023, while papers need to be submitted by April 30, 2023. All papers will undergo a peer review process.

Thank you in advance for your kind consideration, and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you in Turin!


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Mardi 3 Janvier, 2023