bandeau_actu musicologie

11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology

June 23-28, 2024, Stellenbosch, South Africa

University Konservatorium, Stellenbosch, South Africa
In Association with IAML 2024
Call for Papers and Posters

DLfM welcomes contributions related to any aspect of digital libraries and musicology, including topics related to musical archiving and retrieval, cataloguing and classification, musical databases, special collections, music encodings and representations, computational musicology, or music information retrieval (MIR).

As this will be the first iteration of DLfM taking place on the African continent, we strongly encourage proposals from individuals working on music in Africa within various disciplines and from a range of perspectives, particularly addressing this year's theme:

Musicology of the Global South: The Role of Digital Libraries

The organizing committee especially encourages submissions of papers and posters that address this theme, however, we welcome all submissions addressing all topics that fall under the scope of DLfM. Specific examples of topics traditionally covered at DLfM can be found.

Previous years' DLfM proceedings have been published in the ACM Digital Library through ACM ICPS. Arrangements for the DLfM 2024 are being discussed with ACM and will be confirmed in the 2nd Call for Papers. We are aware of a growing number of institutional and funder requirements for Open Access publication, and recognise that authors will need to comply with any policies which apply to them.

Important Dates (AoE)

* Paper (full paper and short paper) submission deadline: February 12th, 2024

* Notification of paper acceptance: April 8th, 2024

* Poster submission deadline: April 22nd, 2024

* Camera-ready submission deadline (full and short papers): May 13th, 2024

* Conference registration deadline: June 17th, 2024

* Conference: June 23-28 (exact day TBC), Stellenbosch, South Africa

Note that at least one author must be registered by the conference registration deadline in order for accepted submissions to be included in the conference programme.


Paper submissions

* Paper length: We invite full papers (up to 8 pages excluding references) or short papers (up to 4 pages excluding references).

* Submissions: work is submitted to DLfM via EasyChair

* Format: Submissions must be in English, formatted according to the appropriate ACM template (see template below), in PDF format, and A4 size. Authors will need to follow ACM's instructions for formatting carefully. Assistance will be provided from the proceedings chair.

* Templates: Authors must use either the LaTeX template, use the 'sigconf', 'review', and 'anonymous' settings for initial submission), the LaTeX + Overleaf template, use the 'review' and 'anonymous' settings for initial submission), or the MS Word template). Historically, LaTeX versions have been easier to process into camera-ready versions. Therefore, we encourage all authors to use the LaTeX (or LaTeX + Overleaf) template if possible.

* Page limits for submitted papers apply to all text, excluding the bibliography (i.e., references can be included on pages over the specified limits).

Poster submissions

* Submission: The initial poster submission consists of an abstract which outlines both the scholarly content and broad details of the proposed layout in 500 words or fewer. This is to be sent by e-mail

* Format: Information on printed poster formats will be provided on acceptance of the poster abstract. All accepted posters will also be required to submit a digital copy before the conference date to be shared publicly on the conference web page.

Review and Ethics

Papers (long and short) will be double blind peer reviewed by at least 3 members of the programme committee. For accepted paper submissions, at least one author must register for the conference (as a presenter) by the conference registration deadline.

DLfM conforms to the usual conventions for publication ethics. For instance, we endeavour to provide an effective reviewing process that is fair to all submissions, with reviews from experts in the subject area. In turn, we expect authors to ensure anonymity in the original submission as far as practically possible, (for instance by not uploading the submission to public website and/or removing any currently public unpublished preprints while it is under review) and that submissions to DLfM are not under active consideration by another conference or journal.

Submission link

Contact email

Conference Organization

Programme Chair : David M. Weigl, mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

General Chair : Martha E. Thomae, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Proceedings and Publicity Chair : Anna Plaksin, Paderborn University

Local Chair : Beulah Gericke-Geldenhuys, Stellenbosch University

Programme Committee : Claire Arthur, Georgia Institute of Technology, David Bainbridge, University of Waikato, Houman Behzadi, McGill University, J. A. Burgoyne, University of Amsterdam, Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza, University of Alicante, Nathaniel Condit-Schultz, Georgia Institute of Technology, Rachel Cowgill, University of York, Elsa De Luca, CESEM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Jürgen Diet, Bavarian State Library, Benjamin Fields, BBC, Ichiro Fujinaga, McGill University, Francesca Giannetti, Rutgers University, Mark Gotham, Durham University, Charles Inskip, University College London, Kjell Lemström, University of Helsinki, David Lewis, Goldsmiths, University of London, Ewa Lukasik, Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Computing Science, Cory Mckay, Marianopolis College, Kevin Page, University of Oxford, Laurent Pugin, RISM Digital Center, Andreas Rauber, Vienna University of Technology, Xavier Serra, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Sandra Tuppen, British Library, Marnix van Berchum, Utrecht University, Raffaele Viglianti, University of Maryland, Sonia Wronkowska, The National Library of Poland,


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Mercredi 29 Novembre, 2023