bandeau_actu musicologie

mercredi 2 novembre 2022 —

Royal Musical Association 59th Annual Conference 2023

14th–16th September 2023, Nottingham
Call-for-Proposals Deadline: midnight, Thursday 15th December 2022

The 59th Annual Conference of the Royal Musical Association will be hosted by the University of Nottingham’s Department of Music between Thursday 14th and Saturday 16th September 2023. The conference seeks to promote all aspects of music research, whether expressed in words, notation or sounds. Proposals are welcome from across the spectrum of music studies, including approaches that are historical, creative, practice-based, analytical, theoretical, ethnographic and empirical, examining any genre, style, period, geography or medium. We especially encourage submissions that adopt creative approaches to discipline, methodology or thematic configuration. The Dent Medal Lecture will be given by the recipient for 2022, Professor Mark Burford (Reed College). The Peter le Huray keynote speaker will be Professor Naomi André (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). We anticipate that the conference will take place in-person, but there will also be a hybrid element for those unable to travel.

The conference aims to represent the entire range of current musical scholarship and consequently welcomes proposals from scholars and practitioners at all career stages. Presentations are invited in the following formats:

* individual papers (20 minutes);

* themed sessions and practice-based research workshops of 3-4 papers (90 minutes);

* lecture-recitals (30 minutes);

* composition-based workshops (90 minutes);

* poster presentations.

Proposals should be submitted via the online portal no later than midnight (GMT) on Thursday 15th December 2022. If you have any problems submitting, then please contact the programme committee at

All proposals will be anonymised prior to assessment. The committee hopes to notify authors of its decision by 31st January 2023. Those selected will be asked to confirm their acceptance and may make revisions to their abstract and (where applicable) timings. The full programme will be announced and booking will open in April 2023. Abstracts will be published on the conference website in July.

Programme Committee: Michelle Assay (RMA); Harriet Boyd-Bennett (University of Nottingham); Joanne Cormac (University of Nottingham); Elizabeth Kelly (University of Nottingham); Duncan MacLeod (University of Nottingham); Lonán Ó Briain (University of Nottingham); Henry Parkes (University of Nottingham); Hannah Robbins (University of Nottingham); Rebecca Thumpston (University of Nottingham).




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Jeudi 3 Novembre, 2022