bandeau_actu musicologie

vendredi 7 janvier 2022

Psychology and Music : Interdisciplinary Encounters

October 26-29, 2022, Belgrade

We are pleased to announce the second international conference, Psychology and Music – Interdisciplinary Encounters (PAM-IE Belgrade 2022), which will be held from October 26–29, 2022 at the University of Arts in Belgrade.

By organizing the second international PAM-IE 2022 conference, we aim to bring together the diverse research endeavors of individuals and institutions in the interdisciplinary field of psychology and music, who work in Serbia, the Western Balkan region, and European countries, and to continue with providing a setting in which they can make their work visible to each other as well as to a wider interested audience.

The conference is planned to be held in person, with the possibility to combine live and virtual participation, that is, with the option of online participation for those participants who will not be able to travel and come due to the Covid-19 pandemic circumstances and demands.

The second edition of the PAM-IE Belgrade conference is strongly supported by the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM) in line with its policy to promote regional visibility and interconnectedness of music cognition research across Europe and beyond. 

The tasks of the conference are:

Why PAM-IE Belgrade 2022 Conference?

A keen interest in research and the application of scholarly knowledge in the field of psychology of music has blossomed in Serbia from 1980s onwards. It started at the Department of Psychology and Institute for Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and evolved through the founding of the Section for Psychology of Music within the Serbian Psychological Society in 1996. Psychology of music fully developed at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade after 2006. The work of a comparatively small number of colleagues resulted in published books and articles, research projects, as well as in the development of a strong network of psychological services in specialized music schools in Serbia. Hence, the first international conference Psychology and Music – Interdisciplinary Encounters, held in 2019 in Belgrade, followed as the next step in the further development of the psychology of music in Serbia and the region.

This inaugural conference generated extraordinarily strong interest. Participants came from Serbia as well as from 18 other countries. Such a strong response implied that the interdisciplinary field of psychology and music is highly exciting and challenging, and it made our efforts worthwhile.

During the conference, the Regional Network Psychology and Music (RNPaM) was founded. It gathers psychologists,  musicians and colleagues from related disciplines from the Western Balkan Region (Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia) who already for two years cooperate and realize common projects and conference presenta

Professor Dr. Blanka Bogunović
Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade
President of the Program Committee
ESCOM representative for Serbia

Assistant Professor Dr. Sanela Nikolić
Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade
International Association for Aesthetic Delegate-at-Large
President of the Organizing Committee


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Vendredi 7 Janvier, 2022