bandeau_actu musicologie

vendredi 4 novembre 2022 —

Body Knowledges : Praxis, Politics, Performance


22-24 March 2023, Malta
Valletta Campus, Malta
9th Annual Conference of the School of Performing Arts, University of
Call for Proposals

Following our successful virtual conference in 2022, the School of Performing Arts (SPA), University of Malta, invites proposal submissions to our 9th Annual Conference, which will take place on 22–24 March 2023. Our first in-person and hybrid conference since 2020, this three-day international conference brings together investigations and explorations under the title of ‘Body Knowledges: Praxis, Politics, Performance’. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought divergent ideas of the body, bodily praxes and body politics to the very fore of social and political life across the planet. In this light, the 2023 SPA Conference highlights embodied epistemology and praxis in the performing arts (dance, theatre, music) as well as the performance of politics and the political dimensions of performance in the past, present and future. Situated at the nexus of theory and bodily practice, the performing arts offer unique modes and methods for questioning, expanding and problematizing notions of both the body and the constitution and valuation of knowledge. At a time of unprecedented ecological and geo-political crisis, questions of how diverse bodies ‘know’ and how bodily knowledges are transmitted, occluded and/or made meaningful are not only pressing areas of interdisciplinary research but also key considerations for shifting conceptions of our world.

We invite proposals for papers and presentations in any format that address any aspect of the conference theme broadly conceived. *Please indicate whether your proposed presentation will be in-person or remote.* Possible formats of presentation include:

Individual paper (15–20 minutes)

Practice-based presentation (15–20 minutes

Collaborative paper (up to 30 minutes)

Pre-organised panel (3–4 participants, up to 90 minutes total)

Topics for presentation include, but are not limited to:

Historical case studies

Contemporary practices

Interdisciplinary approaches

Practice research

Bodies and performance within/without/across institutions

Feminist and queer embodiments

Critical race and bio-political perspectives on the production or
policing of body knowledges

Epistemic injustice and access in the performing arts

Typologies of ignorance and knowledge

Human, non-human and inter-species knowledges

Theories and practices of collective knowledge

Choreographies and performances of dissent

Transmission and translation of performance knowledge

Body politics across geo-political power differentials

Militaristic mobilisation of bodies

Challenges and transformations to body knowledges, the individual and
collective ‘body’ and the body politic, through COVID-19 restrictions and any other historical moment

Proposals should contain the following information in a single electronic
document (Word file or PDF):

First name and Surname

Institutional affiliation (if any)

Contact email address

Presentation online or in-person (indicate one of two options)

Title of presentation

Brief description of presentation format

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Brief biography (125 words maximum)

Proposals should be submitted by e-mail no
later than Monday 19th December 2022 (23:59 GMT+1). Notification of acceptance or otherwise will be communicated in January 2023.

Co-conveners: Dr Mika Lillit Lior, Dr Jeremy Coleman



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Jeudi 3 Novembre, 2022