+bandeau_actu musicologie

samedi 24 septembre 2022

Black British Music: Sacred and Secular

25 March 2023, Bristol
Victoria Rooms, University of Bristol
Study Day

Keynotes (confirmed): Prof. Robert Beckford, Dr. Monique Charles, Dr.
Pauline Muir, and Dr. Joy White

This is an early ‘save the date’ announcement for a study day happening 25 March 2023. The aims of the day are to put scholarship about Black British sacred and secular music in conversation with one another, and to support academics and practitioner-scholars of all levels in building a community around these significant areas of study.

In addition to keynotes, there will be an industry panel, talks by early
career researchers, and a closing concert from Bristol’s Renewal Choir. The study day will be in person, but we are exploring livestream options so that people can attend remotely. More information on the programme and registration will follow in December. We look forward to welcoming you to Bristol!

Dulcie Dixon McKenzie, Natalie Hyacinth, Monique Ingalls, Justin Williams, Matthew Williams (BBM Committee).



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Musicologie.org, 56 rue de la Fédération, 93100 Montreuil. ☎ 06 06 61 73 41

ISNN 2269-9910


Vendredi 23 Septembre, 2022