
samedi 14 août 2021

UT PICTURA MUSICA: 12th Meeting for Researchers in Musical Poetics of the 16th 17th and 18th Centurie

22-27 November 2021, São Paulo, Brazil

Western musical poetics of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries has as a principle the coordination between the processes of production and reception of music, in a causal relationship whose aim is not the musical work or is not in it either, but in the effect it has on the listener. This principle, which nature is rhetorical, served the purpose of affirming and consolidating the institutions and places of political and religious power, especially states and churches, whose interests this musical production served, mobilizing communities of civilians and believers. In this context, music and other forms of symbolic representation of power were systematically regulated, rhetorically designed and executed, and rationally perceived. Today, this musical production constitutes a specific field of study and scientific research towards which more and more researchers are directing their efforts. In order to promote these studies, disseminate them and expand the possibilities of exchange and dissemination of this knowledge, in 2021, the Meeting of Researchers in Musical Poetics of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries reaches its twelfth edition in an instigating and challenging way. The main theme of reflection will be the relationships between these symbolic forms of representation. We propose the transposition of the Horatian moto “ut pictura poesis” (as well as image, poetry) to “ut pictura musica” (as well as image, music), to highlight these relationships and think of them as possibilities of access and understanding of the theories, poetics and practices of ancient music.

The 12th Meeting for Researchers in Musical Poetics of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries will have place for the presentation of papers in video format, to be transmitted asynchronously during the event’s programming, and to be published later as a scientific paper in an academic journal (4’33” – On-line Musical Research Journal, National Arts University, UNA, Argentina).

Submissions can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English and must be sent by email to the event’s Scientific Committee. Proposals must not exceed 4,000 words and comply with the guidelines available below.

Proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee for an ultimate decision. The selection process will comply the following schedule:

07/15/2021 – opening for submissions;

10/17/2021 – deadline for submissions;

10/24/2021 – accepted submissions to be informed by e-mail.

11/26/2021 – final version’s submission deadline for the text to be published.

Criteria for papers selection:

- Pertinence: it must contemplate the event’s field of knowledge;

- Quality: it must comply with the current scientific standards;

- Relevance: it must contribute to the event’s goals;

- Deadlines: only proposals submitted by October 17, 2021, by e-mail, will be evaluated.

Formatting guidelines for paper proposalsn

Send proposals

Authors of accepted submissions will commit to produce a video presentation of up to 15 minutes, following the guidelines that will be released soon. Videos must be sent to the scientific committee until November 19, 2021. These videos will be published on the event’s digital platform, privately and with restricted access, at least 5 days in advance for a prior hearing by the participants of the Meeting, so that the sessions are specifically dedicated to debates.

Provisional Schedule:

November 22nd, 20:00 (UTC-3) - Opening - Prof. Dr. Leon Kossovitch

November 23rd, 20:00 (UTC-3) - Debate - Ut Leonardo Josquin

November 24th, 20:00 (UTC-3) - Debate - Music for the Eyes

November 25th, 20:00 (UTC-3) - Debate - Representations of the Feminine Ethos

November 26th, 20:00 (UTC-3) - Debate - Theater of the Human Affections

November 27th, 20:00 (UTC-3) - Closing

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Samedi 14 Août, 2021