
samedi 14 août 2021

Engaging and Interacting with Education, Music and Psychology Research

Friday 22 October 2021, online
10am to 4pm BST
Keele University, School of Psychology
SEMPRE autumn 2021 conference
Online via Microsoft Teams
Call for papers

The online environment has seen a plethora of new and dynamic online events as well as traditional larger conferences moving to an online format, and in the fields of music education and music psychology many different events have been planned for and have taken place in 2021.

We are taking the opportunity to offer a different format for the SEMPRE autumn conference to facilitate plenty of engagement and interaction. The conference will take place online to enable contributions from a wide range of participants, and will be free of charge to all.

The conference will include live three-minute research presentations of completed work and work in progress, followed by questions and discussions. There will be a discussion session around publishing, and a discussion of equality, diversity and inclusion issues in relation to research in our field. There will also be time for networking.

The conference will take place on Microsoft Teams. To register by 5pm BST on Monday 18 October, please use this Microsoft Form. If you have any technical issues or other queries please email Alexandra Lamont (contact details below).

Professor Alexandra Lamont, conference chair
Keele University, School of Psychology
Keele, Staffordshire, UK


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ISNN 2269-9910

Samedi 14 Août, 2021