
lundi 3 mai 2021

Avant-Garde and Experimental Creative Considerations in Art Music


July 3rd 2021, Taiwan
Department of Ethnomusicology, Nanhua University, Taiwan

Symposium of New Works and Research into Contemporary Composers


Dear scholars, composers and performers:

We invite applications to participate in an international symposium in the early summer of 2021, organised by the Department of Ethnomusicology at Nanhua University. The theme of the symposium is present and future trends of modern art music in Taiwan and abroad. We hope all scholars, composers and performers who are interested in this field will share their research and compositions, for presentation at the symposium and subsequent publication on the symposium website. In the process, we hope to learn from each other, as well as further the cause of artistic innovation and exchange of ideas. We warmly invite you to contribute to making this a special event.

Keynote: Michael Finnissy (Emeritus Professor of Composition, University of Southampton)

Submission deadline: Monday 17th May 2021

Announcement of selected papers and compositions : Monday 31st May 2021

Date and time of symposium: Saturday 3rd July 2021 09:00 - 20:30 (including a concert of new chamber works 19:00 - 20:30)

Venue: Dept. of Ethnomusicology, Miaoyin Building, Nanhua University, No.55 Section One, Nanhua Road, Dalin Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan

Participants: Scholars in any field of musical research, composers and performers

Categories of submission:

Conference Paper: 20 minutes (presentations on one's own composition, or research papers on any topic relating to contemporary art music)

Musical Compositions: 5-10 minutes (chamber music: priority given to Chinese and Western instrumental works and vocal works employing no more than four performers)

Presentation and application languages: Presentations may be delivered in Chinese or English. Applications written in Chinese must be accompanied by an English translation.

Overseas applications: Overseas applicants may apply to participate in the conference via webinar.

Method of Application:

Conference Papers: Please provide the title and abstract of your paper. If you use Chinese, please provide an English translation. For Chinese abstracts, the word count should be around 500 to 700 characters; for English abstracts, the word count should be around 300-500 words. Abstracts that are too long or too short may be rejected. Please also include presentation keywords, your current institution and your highest qualification.

Musical Compositions: Please provide the title of the composition and programme note in Chinese and English, the instrumentation and duration of the work, the full score, as well as your current institution and your highest qualification.

Please use the following link for your submissions

Submission deadline: 23:59 GMT+8 (Taipei Time) Monday 17th May 2021

Selection Process: The academic committee is as follows : Pan Hwang-Long (Chairman, ISCM Taiwan Branch), Yang Tsung-Hsien (Department of Music, National Taipei University of the Arts, Taiwan), Dong Chao-Ming (Institute of Music, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Michael Finnissy (Department of Music, University of Southampton, U.K.), Rytis Mažulis (Department of Composition, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuania), Yannis Kyriakides (Department of Composition, The Royal Conservatory of the Hague, Holland), David Ludwig (Curtis Institute, Philadelphia, U.S.A.), George Holloway (Department of Ethnomusicology, Nanhua University, Taiwan)

Conference papers and compositions will be judged anonymously on the basis of their contribution respectively to academia and creative innovation.

The results of the selection process shall be announced on Monday 31st May, on the symposium website on the "selected participants" page

Abstracts should lay out clearly the research argument, its relation to existing research into the topic, the materials and research method used, as well as its contribution and relevance to musical research.

Note: Please address any questions relating to the symposium to

Thank you for your participation!

Department of Ethnomusicology, Nanhua University, Taiwan

南華大學民族音樂學系(所) 2021年7月3日09:00-20:30 當代作曲家新創作交流會 「藝術性音樂中前衛與實驗性的創作思維」



專題講座:Michael Finnissy (英國南安普敦大學音樂系名譽作曲教授)

截稿日期:2021年5月17日 (星期一) 結果公佈日期:2021年5月31日(星期一) 會議日期與時間:2021年7月3日(星期六)上午09:00至晚上20:30


會議地點:台灣嘉義縣大林鎮南華路1段55號私立南華大學妙音樓 主辦單位:南華大學民族音樂學系(所)

徵稿對象: 音樂相關研究之學者、作曲家和演奏家均可投稿。

徵稿類別: 1、會議論文:20分鐘(個人創作介紹或當代藝術性音樂(“Contemporary Art Music”)的學術研究報告) 2、音樂作品:5-10分鐘(室內樂:國樂、西樂、聲樂常規編制,以及人數不超過四位的作品優先。)

會議使用語言: 會議使用語言為中文與英語。摘要需用中文和英文書寫。

海外的申請: 海外申請者可以透過網絡研討會申請參加會議。

投稿方式: 1、會議論文:請填入論文題目、中、英文雙語言的摘要(中文摘要為500至700字,英文300至500字,摘要字數不符規定者將不予受理) 、關鍵字、工作單位、最高學歷。



截稿期限:2021年5月17日 (星期一)23:59 (UTC+8) 前。

審稿機制: 1、該研討會之學術委員如下: 潘皇龍(國際現代音樂協會創會理事長) 楊聰賢(台北藝術大學音樂系) 董昭民(國立陽明交通大學音樂研究所) Michael Finnissy (英國南安普敦大學大學音樂系作曲系) Rytis Mažulis (立陶宛維爾紐斯音樂與戲劇學院作曲系) Yannis Kyriakides (荷蘭海牙皇家音樂學院作曲系) David Ludwig (美國費城柯蒂斯音樂學院) George Holloway 盧長劍(南華大學民族音樂學系)






    敬請撰安 2021年 私立南華大學民族音樂學系 敬邀

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Dimanche 4 Juillet, 2021