bandeau_actu musicologie

mercredi 9 décembre 2020

VII International Congress: Music and Audio-Visual Culture

22-26 March 2021, Murcia

From 22-26 March 2021, the University of Murcia will host the Seventh International Congress: Music and Audio-Visual Culture MUCA, to provide a forum to scientific exchange with participation of composers, visual artists and researchers from several national and international universities.

It will take place online from March 22nd to 26th, 2021.

We welcome proposals for individual papers (in English or Spanish) in order to promote new perspectives and dialogue about the main topics. Proposals should include:

– Abstract (250-300 words)

– Institutional affiliation (if applicable), brief biography and email address.

Topics for the paper presentation (not exclusive):

All authors of accepted and registered papers will be required to upload a pre-recorded video of their paper presentation.

The presentation can be recorded by any of the co-authors and will be available during the original dates of the conference.

Deadline for accepting proposals: December 15, 2020.

Further information



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ISNN 2269-9910.


Vendredi 8 Avril, 2022